Remove APK from library in Google Play Developer Console


Solution 1

Just go to App bundle explorer and remove the needed abb. You can do it with these steps:

  1. Open Google Play Console
  2. Go to your project
  3. Go to the "Release" section of the side-bar
  4. Go to the "App bundle explorer"
  5. Find the APK/Bundle and click "Delete APK/Bundle".

Keep in mind that you need to detach the specific APK/Bundle from any draft releases and save it. Otherwise, the delete option will not be available.

Solution 2

For new Google Play Console:

Click on App bundle explorer

This is the latest app apk artifact that you have uploaded enter image description here

For older app in your app library, on your right side of the screen youll see this button. It will open App Library and you can choose .apk file from there

enter image description here

When you click Artifact:your_artifact_name.apk button, this App Library will be shown:

enter image description here

Delete button will appear on the right side, right below the artifact library drop-down menu: enter image description here

NOTE: If your application is uploaded and have been published on production (was live), you cannot delete that app artifact because holds some production app data.

Solution 3

Yes you can remove the app

Before Release

  1. Open your app
  2. Side nav find artifact library
  3. You can delete your APK here

Refer screenshot attached

After Release

  1. Open app
  2. Under Release Management your can find artifact library
  3. You can delete your APK here

Note: The live version of APK can't be deleted.

Solution 4

There is no way to remove apk from library once it is uploaded. You can upload a new apk with different version code.

Solution 5

Yes, you can. As of 14/6(June)/2021, if "Delete App Bundle" doesnt show up, you have to remove that apk/aab file, you added before in a release and should remove that from the release.

At the left of the screen, under "Release" -> "Testing" -> "Open Testing" or "Closed Testing" or "Internal Testing" -> top right screen "Edit Release" -> there's three vertical dotted icon, click to show dropdown menu -> then click at "Remove app bundle" -> don't forget to hit "save". Click Remove App Bundle and hit save

Now go again to "App Bundle Explorer" and click "Delete App Bundle". Click Delete App Bundle

UPDATED NOTE(17/7(July)/2021): Sorry, i don't know other way to delete apk/aab from "App Bundle Explorer", if the app is published and the apk/aab is not a draft. This answer is only for draft releases and not being published.


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Author by


I'm studying cognitive computer science and intelligent systems in the University of Bielefeld, Germany.

Updated on July 08, 2022


  • Tavados
    Tavados almost 2 years

    Is there a way to remove an APK from the library in the Google Play Developer Console?

    To make sure: I don't mean to revert to an earlier version or unpublish an app, but to remove it from the list that can be seen after clicking on "ADD APK FROM LIBRARY" in Release Management>App Release.

    The version that I want to remove has not been used in any release.

  • Rajesh Narwal
    Rajesh Narwal over 6 years
    Not the right answer APK can be deleted from Artifact library
  • Muhammad Warraich
    Muhammad Warraich over 6 years
    Rajesh You will have to upload apk with a higher version code. It can be deleted from Artifact library but you cannot upload apk with same version code again.
  • Tim Tisdall
    Tim Tisdall over 6 years
    This is very helpful when you get the "You need to use a different version code for your APK because you already have one with version code:" error!
  • Gopinath S
    Gopinath S about 6 years
    -> Find apk and remove it. Remove apk option is not available now
  • Nitzan Wilnai
    Nitzan Wilnai almost 6 years
    You forgot a step, it needs to be removed from App Releases before it can be removed from the Artifact Library.
  • Muhammad Tanweer
    Muhammad Tanweer over 5 years
    This is correct answer only for those APKs which haven't been used in a rolled out release. Once you roll out a release, you can then delete the APK only when you roll out a newer release.
  • andro-girl
    andro-girl over 5 years
    Not able to see the option to delete the APK..only download is available.
  • Arjun
    Arjun about 5 years
    delete option is only available if it's not rolled out to production
  • tyleax
    tyleax over 4 years
    See @Sergey answer
  • CoolMind
    CoolMind over 4 years
    Where is remove button?
  • Emmanuel Njorodongo
    Emmanuel Njorodongo over 3 years
    Where is the delete button from the Choose an artifact
  • Viktor Jovanovski
    Viktor Jovanovski over 3 years
    If your app is uploaded and not yet published, Delete App Bundle will appear right below art, but if your app is uploaded and published, then, you wont have this delete option, regarding that this app artifact has been live and holds some app production data.
  • Raman Joshi
    Raman Joshi over 3 years
    no Delete Android App Bundle button is there. Wrong information.
  • Viktor Jovanovski
    Viktor Jovanovski over 3 years
    @raman-joshi see my previous comment about why delete button is not there
  • Raman Joshi
    Raman Joshi over 3 years
    @ViktorJovanovski I have already read all your comments.
  • Ugur
    Ugur over 3 years
    @ViktorJovanovski there is no delete button even for previous app bundle, apk.not anywhere. Why don't you show that button where it is in the second screenshot?
  • Viktor Jovanovski
    Viktor Jovanovski over 3 years
    @Uğur, thanks for noticing that. Screenshot updated.
  • dchang
    dchang over 3 years
    I think there was a redesign - the tab is now titled "App bundle explorer"
  • Gustavo Rodríguez
    Gustavo Rodríguez over 3 years
    @dchang, also you can't find it in the left column submenu, it's easier is you use "search play console". There is a button top right: "Delete Android App Bundle"
  • Joshua Pinter
    Joshua Pinter over 3 years
    You're the real MVP for these screenshots. Well done.
  • Mr.Rao
    Mr.Rao over 3 years
    no option available to delete a bundle that is in the test track. how do i resolve this?
  • Sanjith
    Sanjith about 3 years
    Production has 2.3.1 open testing instead of 2.3.2 its released as 2.5.1 is possible to go back to 2.3.2 ?
  • John Xenakis
    John Xenakis almost 3 years
    @Sanjith Sorry, I don't know, I didn't get to that point, but maybe this stack overflow post might help.
  • tann36
    tann36 almost 3 years
    Bundles also cannot be removed when they are part of a draft, even if it hasn't been released. Remove from draft first (and don't forget to save the draft)
  • mr_mmmmore
    mr_mmmmore almost 3 years
    In the first step, for Internal testing on a channel were there have been releases already there is no Edit release button, only a Create release button. Maybe you have this button because its the first release of the channel?
  • John Xenakis
    John Xenakis almost 3 years
    Yes, you're right... Sorry, you're right. This answer is for those who have a draft apk/aab in app bundle explorer as you see in first picture and didn't published their app. Mine right now, is exactly as you say. No Edit release button. Instead of Edit release, it's a Create release button. I don't think you can somehow...
  • James Perih
    James Perih over 2 years
    Sometimes, when everything is grey, you just need someone to post screenshots. App Bundle Explorer was hidden in plain sight for me. Thanks for this.
  • Mahesh Jamdade
    Mahesh Jamdade over 2 years
    This is the right answer as of Feb 2022.
  • John Xenakis
    John Xenakis over 2 years
    @MaheshJamdade Thank you so much Mahesh! I've post this answer because i didn't see any new answer depending with the new "Google play console" as of 2021 and still in 7/Feb/2022.
  • chichilatte
    chichilatte about 2 years
    April 2022 and this answer is still up to date. Note that the "Delete APK" button is just some greyed out text floating in white space on the right, definitely doesn't look like a button.
  • beginner
    beginner about 2 years
    also note that if the bundle is used in Draft, still you won't see the option to delete it, so you must need to discard the release draft on order to delete that bundle