Remove Margin Left and Right of a table iText java


By default the table drawn by a PdfPTable object only fills 80% of the width of the page content area width. You can change this ratio using the PdfPTable method

 * Sets the width percentage that the table will occupy in the page.
 * @param widthPercentage the width percentage that the table will occupy in
 * the page
public void setWidthPercentage(final float widthPercentage)

to avoid those extra margins.

Furthermore, a PdfPTable instance added to a Document respects the document margin values. To use (nearly) the whole page as page content area for a table to fill, you have to reduce the document margins to (nearly) 0 using the constructor with 5 arguments

 * Constructs a new <CODE>Document</CODE>-object.
 * @param pageSize the pageSize
 * @param marginLeft the margin on the left
 * @param marginRight the margin on the right
 * @param marginTop the margin on the top
 * @param marginBottom the margin on the bottom
public Document(Rectangle pageSize, float marginLeft, float marginRight, float marginTop, float marginBottom)

or the setter

 * Sets the margins.
 * @param marginLeft the margin on the left
 * @param marginRight the margin on the right
 * @param marginTop the margin on the top
 * @param marginBottom the margin on the bottom
 * @return a <CODE>boolean</CODE>
public boolean setMargins(float marginLeft, float marginRight, float marginTop, float marginBottom)
Author by


Apparently, this user prefers to keep an air of mystery about them.

Updated on June 09, 2022


  • Dwhitz
    Dwhitz about 2 years

    I have a problem with the fixed margin on left and right of a table.

    enter image description here

    I want remove that margin and use all the sheet without margin or padding. How i can do ?

    I've just tryed this but doesn't work for me:


    This works for me, but the borders of the cell , don't follow the text (Look at the table in bottom)


    This is a part of my code :

    Font fontStandard = FontFactory.getFont("Arial", 8);
    int w[] = { 50, 50 };
    PdfPTable tableInner = new PdfPTable(5);
    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("PADDING -50", fontStandard));

    This is what i want. enter image description here