Remove Time From SSRS Date Parameter


Try setting your Parameter Data Type to Text instead of Date/Time.

Also changing the dataset to return varchar was necessary

Final dataset code:

SELECT TOP (8) CAST(CONVERT(Date, FullDate, 101)as VARCHAR) AS FullDate
FROM DimDate
WHERE (DayNameOfWeek = 'Friday') AND (CAST(FullDate AS Date) < CAST(GETDATE() AS Date))
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Updated on June 04, 2022


  • gruff
    gruff about 2 years

    I want to remove the time from my Parameter Selection Dropdown, NOT a cell referencing the parameter

    I have a simple parameter weekEndingDate which is fed by my dataset

    SELECT TOP (8) Convert(Date,FullDate, 101) AS FullDate
    FROM DimDate
    WHERE (DayNameOfWeek = 'Friday') AND (CAST(FullDate AS Date) < CAST(GETDATE() AS Date))
    ORDER BY FullDate DESC

    I have also tried

    SELECT TOP (8) CAST(FullDate as Date) AS FullDate
    FROM DimDate
    WHERE (DayNameOfWeek = 'Friday') AND (CAST(FullDate AS Date) < CAST(GETDATE() AS Date))
    ORDER BY FullDate DESC

    The issue is that the parameter options still display time.

    If I execute the query in Query Designer I get basically correct output (Convert is giving me m/dd/yyyy, instead of mm/dd/yyyy) and this is true for cast and convert, but the parameter drop down still has time, and if I put the parameter into a cell, it also has the time

    I have deleted the .data files

    I have deleted and recreated the parameter, but did not deploy or rebuild or anything WITHOUT the parameter, I deleted and immediately recreated then hit Preview

    I have tried both CAST and CONVERT

    I have tried Previewing, Running, and Deploying the report

    In all cases the time remains and I am dumbfounded, all help appreciated, and I'm happy to clarify anything