Remove virus from external drive without losing data?


Solution 1

You can use this rescue live-CD virus scanner : Avira AntiVir Rescue System.

As a boot CD it doesn't require your operating system, and as it gets updated several times a day the virus definitions are up-to-date.

Solution 2

First just to be safe, disable autorun - here are the instructions if you're using Windows.

Now the problem that you're facing could also be caused by hard disk malfunction. Scan it for bad sectors - you can do it by right clicking the disk in Explorer, and selecting

Properties -> Tools -> Error-checking -> Check Now -> Scan for and attempt to recover bad sectors -> Start.

If that doesn't seem to help, you can try scanning it for virus. Download Avira AntiVir or AVG and perform a scan of the hard disk. I prefer Avira, since in my personal experience I have seen it catching a virus which AVG missed.


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Updated on September 17, 2022


  • hanno
    hanno almost 2 years

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