Removing more than one white space in powershell


If you're looking to collapse multiple consecutive whitespace characters into a single space then you can do this using the -replace operator. Given...

PS> $beforeReplace = '   [   Hello,   World!   ]   '
PS> $beforeReplace
   [   Hello,   World!   ]   
PS> $beforeReplace.Length
29 would call the -replace operator like this...

PS> $afterReplace = $beforeReplace -replace '\s+', ' '
PS> $afterReplace
 [ Hello, World! ] 
PS> $afterReplace.Length

The first parameter to -replace is a regular expression pattern to match, and the second parameter is the text that will replace any matches. \s will match a whitespace character, and + indicates to match one or more occurrences, so, in other words, one or more adjacent whitespace characters will be replaced with a single space.

Replacement without whitespace normalization

If you don't need to normalize all whitespace characters to spaces and, thus, it's ok for standalone whitespace characters to be left untouched, then for long strings you might see better performance with this variation...

PS> $afterReplace = $beforeReplace -replace '\s{2,}', ' '
PS> $afterReplace
 [ Hello, World! ] 
PS> $afterReplace.Length

The \s{2,} uses a quantifier meaning "match the preceding element at least two times"; therefore, standalone whitespace characters will not be replaced. When the input string contains a mix of whitespace characters...

PS> $beforeReplace = "1Space: ;2Space:  ;1Tab:`t;2Tab:`t`t;1Newline:`n;2Newline:`n`n;"
PS> $beforeReplace
1Space: ;2Space:  ;1Tab:    ;2Tab:      ;1Newline:

PS> $beforeReplace.Length

...note how the results for the two approaches differ...

PS> $afterReplaceNormalized = $beforeReplace -replace '\s+', ' '
PS> $afterReplaceNormalized
1Space: ;2Space: ;1Tab: ;2Tab: ;1Newline: ;2Newline: ;
PS> $afterReplaceNormalized.Length
PS> $afterReplaceUnnormalized = $beforeReplace -replace '\s{2,}', ' '
PS> $afterReplaceUnnormalized
1Space: ;2Space: ;1Tab: ;2Tab: ;1Newline:
;2Newline: ;
PS> $afterReplaceUnnormalized.Length

While both yield strings of the same length, the unnormalized replacement leaves the single space, single tab, and single newline whitespace runs unmodified. This would work just the same whether adjacent whitespace characters are identical or not.

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I am mainly working as a Build and integrator. I am maintaining ESXi servers and doing little bit of Configuration management activities (Base Clearcase and clearcase UCM) as every build and integrator.

Updated on November 28, 2020


  • Samselvaprabu
    Samselvaprabu over 3 years

    I was trying to find a way in powershell to remove more than one white space.

    But what i found is how to do it in php. "Removing more than one white-space"

    There will be similar regular expression may available .

    How to acheive the same in powershell?

    My string is like this

    Xcopy Source  Desination

    Some lines may contain more than one white space between Source and destination.

  • Samselvaprabu
    Samselvaprabu over 12 years
    Thanks Mr.Bacon. It does the job for me.
  • Robert Allan Hennigan Leahy
    Robert Allan Hennigan Leahy over 12 years
    Using Trim(), TrimStart(), and/or TrimEnd() is an unequivocally better option.
  • Lance U. Matthews
    Lance U. Matthews over 12 years
    Firstly, my answer is a working, alternative solution, so I don't see why it deserves a downvote. Secondly, the Trim*() methods operate specifically on the beginning and/or end of a string, whereas the author gave an example of a string where the spaces to be removed are in the middle of a string, which Trim*() would ignore.
  • Jay
    Jay over 12 years
    Up-voted, as I agree with BACON's reason, regarding the limitation of "trim" command set. Second, this is a solution I will use.
  • travis
    travis over 8 years
    @RobertAllanHenniganLeahy Using Trim(), TrimStart(), and/or TrimEnd() is an unequivocally wrong answer, but also do you think that if it weren't, there would be a friendlier way stating that?
  • Rob at
    Rob at over 3 years
    While yes, the PS escape character is ` that would only work inside " double-quoted strings, not inside the ' single-quoted string in your example, which is actually regex syntax, where `\` is the escape character.