Replace function not working in Crystal Reports


Oh, you're going to be mad about this one :)

The Replace() function is being evaluated... but each time you're overwriting the variables stk and tst with only a single replacement of the original strings, tstnummer and stknummer. When all the Replaces() are done, you're simply left with a string with no white space character. Need to change to this...

tst := Replace (tst,":" ,"_" );
tst := Replace (tst,"." ,"_" );
tst := Replace (tst,"=" ,"_" );
stk := Replace (stk,":" ,"_" );
stk := Replace (stk,"." ,"_" );
Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • jorrebor
    jorrebor almost 2 years

    when i provide string stknummer = "*VU-NR:-93.10xxxxxxxx_2-12-2011*" to this function:

    shared stringvar tstnummer;
    shared stringvar stknummer;
    local stringvar tst;
    local stringvar stk;
    local stringvar bc;
    tst := tstnummer;
    stk := stknummer;
    //why is this not evaluated?
    tst := Replace (tstnummer,":" ,"_" );
    tst := Replace (tstnummer,"." ,"_" );
    tst := Replace (tstnummer,"=" ,"_" );
    tst := Replace (tstnummer,"/" ,"_" );
    tst := Replace (tstnummer,"\" ,"_" );
    tst := Replace (tstnummer,"?" ,"_" );
    tst := Replace (tstnummer,"#" ,"_" );
    tst := Replace (tstnummer,"." ,"_" );
    tst := Replace (tstnummer,"*" ,"_" );
    tst := Replace (tstnummer,"|" ,"_" );
    tst := Replace (tstnummer,"<" ,"_" );
    tst := Replace (tstnummer,">" ,"_" );
    tst := Replace (tstnummer," " ,"-" );
    //and this neither?
    stk := Replace (stknummer,":" ,"_" );
    stk := Replace (stknummer,"." ,"_" );
    stk := Replace (stknummer,"=" ,"_" );
    stk := Replace (stknummer,"/" ,"_" );
    stk := Replace (stknummer,"\" ,"_" );
    stk := Replace (stknummer,"?" ,"_" );
    stk := Replace (stknummer,"#" ,"_" );
    stk := Replace (stknummer,"." ,"_" );
    stk := Replace (stknummer,"*" ,"_" );
    stk := Replace (stknummer,"|" ,"_" );
    stk := Replace (stknummer,"<" ,"_" );
    stk := Replace (stknummer,">" ,"_" );
    stk := Replace (stknummer," " ,"-" );
    //select file output format
    if {?barcode_type} = true
    then (if trim(stk) ="" 
            bc:= "*" + tst + "_" + totext(dateValue({@signdate})) + "*"
            bc:= "*" + stk + "_" + totext(dateValue({@signdate})) + "*");;)
    else bc := "*" + tst + "_" + totext(dateValue({@signdate})) + "*"

    The result is that no replacements are made (i.e. the : is still there)

    when i put Replace(stk, ":", "_") in the bottom function like:

    //select file output format
    if {?barcode_type} = true
    then (if trim(stk) ="" 
            bc:= "*" + tst + "_" + totext(dateValue({@signdate})) + "*"
            bc:= "*" + Replace (stk, ":", "_") + "_" + totext(dateValue({@signdate})) + "*");;)
    else bc := "*" + tst + "_" + totext(dateValue({@signdate})) + "*"

    The replacement is done correctly.

    Why are the replacements not done in the first example?

    I good put all replacements in the function but that not all too elegant....
