Replacing in inner Text in open xml element?


Solution 1

Your "string replace= " line does nothing. By creating a variable you seem aware that string.Replace() is not an in-place replacement, but then you are not doing anything with the variable.

Solution 2

Instead of replacing InnerText, you can replace InnerXML

elem.InnerXml = elem.InnerXml.Replace(innerxml, modified);

and then call

Author by


Updated on June 05, 2022


  • shishi
    shishi almost 2 years

    I'm using open xml SDK 2.0 and i'm kind off new to this.

    I have actually created a quickpart (containg content control) in my word 2007 document named "hello.docx". Now I need to copy the quickpart into the other location of the same document named "hello.docx". I was very thank full for this post and same thing is posted on stack overflow forum for which i was very thank full :)...This post just deletes the content control but keeps the content in Content control.

    With the help of the above link I was able to modify the code to clone the content control and append to the same document (This part of my code is working). But i have problem in innerText. Though i replace the innerText in the open Xml element, it is not geting reflected in the doucument.

    public static void AddingSdtBlock(string filename, string sdtBlockTag)
        using (WordprocessingDocument doc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(filename,true))
            MainDocumentPart mainDocumentPart = doc.MainDocumentPart;
            List<SdtBlock> sdtList = mainDocumentPart.Document.Descendants<SdtBlock>().ToList();
            SdtBlock sdtA = null;
            foreach (SdtBlock sdt in sdtList)
                if (sdt.SdtProperties.GetFirstChild<Tag>().Val.Value == sdtBlockTag)
                    sdtA = sdt;
            SdtBlock cloneSdkt = (SdtBlock)sdtA.Clone();
            OpenXmlElement sdtc = cloneSdkt.GetFirstChild<SdtContentBlock>();
          //  OpenXmlElement parent = cloneSdkt.Parent;
            OpenXmlElementList elements = cloneSdkt.ChildElements;
           // var mySdtc = new SdtContentBlock(cloneSdkt.OuterXml);
            foreach (OpenXmlElement elem in elements)
              string innerxml=  elem.InnerText ;
              if (innerxml.Length>0)
                  string modified = "Class Name : My Class.Description : mydesc.AttributesNameDescriptionMy Attri attri desc.Operations NameDescriptionmy ope ope descriptn.";
                 string replace= elem.InnerText.Replace(innerxml, modified);
                // mainDocumentPart.Document.Save();
               // string text = parent.FirstChild.InnerText;
               // parent.Append((OpenXmlElement)elem.Clone());

    The Replaced string in the openXML element is not geting reflected in the document. Any help would be really appreciated.

    Thanks in advance,