RESTEasy: Could not find writer for content-type application/json type


Solution 1



This is just more than enough.

Solution 2

If you plan to use newer versions of resteasy that implement JAX-RS 2.0, the following dependencies should solve your problem:





Solution 3

If you have all necessary dependencies applied in your project, check if your class implements Serializable.

public class MyClass implements Serializable {

Maybe it solve your problem.

Solution 4

I am using all libraries included (maven project), but still when running as standalone application, generated by maven-assembly-plugin, I got same error, but when running from IDE it works without problem.

I also had problem with log4j2 logging as it was completely broken when running as standalone fat jar application (in IDE works perfectly), so I first focus on solving this:

Log4j2 configuration not found when running standalone application builded by shade plugin

So I solved problem with missing provider and log4j2 by migrating from maven-assembly-plugin to maven-shade-plugin

Author by


Updated on July 18, 2022


  • tamuren
    tamuren almost 2 years

    I have a restful service (post) that consumes (application/json) and produces (application/json). The single param for this service is an annotated java object.

    I am using org.jboss.resteasy.client.ClientRequest to send the request to the service. However, I am getting this exception in the client end and the exception:

    could not find writer for content-type application/json type.

    Does this mean that I am missing some library jars or I have to write my own writer for application/json?

    I am using resteasy 2.3.3.Final

    Here are various dependencies I added to my pom that I think are probably related:

  • ivko
    ivko over 6 years
    I also had the same problem with the standalone application missing the JSON provider. The problem was that Maven assembly plugin was overwriting the META-INF/services file responsible for registering the JAX-RS provider, because it was part of several archives, on which I depend. This helped me solve my problem:…