Returning multiple objects from a pytest fixture


Solution 1

Yeah! probaly you will need two fixtures in this case..

you can try the @pytest.yield_fixture like :

def event():
    yield <event_properties>

def listener(event):
    yield <listener_properties>

Solution 2

Usually in order to avoid tuples and beautify your code, you can join them back together to one unit as a class, which has been done for you, using collections.namedtuple:

import collections
EventListener = collections.namedtuple('EventListener', 'event listener')

Now modify your fixture:

def event_listener():
 e = EventListener(EventEmitter(), Listener())
 e.event.subscribe({'event' : [e.listener.operation]})
 return e

Now modify your test:

def test_emitter(event_listener):
 assert event_listener.listener.result == 7

Solution 3

You should use a Python feature called iterable unpacking into variables.

def test_emitter(event):
    lstr, ee = event # unpacking
    assert lstr.result == 7

Basically, you are assigning event[0] to lstr, and event[1] to ee. Using this feature is a very elegant way to avoid using indexes.


In case you are going to use your fixture in mutiple tests, and you don't need all values in every test, you can also discard some elements of the iterable if you are not interested in using them as follows:

l = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
a, b, c, d = l # unpacking all elements
a, _, c, d = l # discarding b
a, _, _, d = l # python 2: discard b and c
a, *_, d = l # python 3: discard b and c
a, _, _, _ = l # python2: discard, b, c and d
a, *_ = l # python3: discard b, c, and d

In theory, you are not literally discarding the values, but in Python _, so-called “I don’t care”, is used for ignoring the specific values.

Solution 4

If you can not afford to easily split your tuple fixture into two independent fixtures, you can now "unpack" a tuple or list fixture into other fixtures using my pytest-cases plugin as explained in this answer.

For your example that would look like:

from pytest_cases import pytest_fixture_plus

def event():
    ee = EventEmitter()
    lstr = Listener()
    ee.subscribe({"event" : [lstr.operation]})
    return lstr, ee

def test_emitter(lstr, ee):
    assert lstr.result == 7 # for example

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Updated on September 26, 2022


  • Zallin
    Zallin over 1 year

    I am learning how to use pytest by testing a simple event emitter implementation.

    Basically, it looks like this

    class EventEmitter():
        def __init__(self):
        def subscribe(self, event_map):
            # adds listeners to provided in event_map events
        def emit(self, event, *args):
            # emits event with given args

    For convenience, I created a Listener class that is used in tests

    class Listener():
        def __init__(self):
        def operation(self):
            # actual listener

    Currently, test looks the following way

    def event():
        ee = EventEmitter()
        lstr = Listener()
        ee.subscribe({"event" : [lstr.operation]})
        return lstr, ee
    def test_emitter(event):
        lstr = event[0]
        ee = event[1]
        assert lstr.result == 7 # for example

    In order to test event emitter, I need to check whether the inner state of the listener has changed after event propagation. Thus, I need two objects and I wonder if there is a better way to do this (maybe use two fixtures instead of one somehow) because this looks kinda ugly to me.

    • Zallin
      Zallin almost 8 years
      @jonrsharpe well I just did not know how to name this thing
    • lmiguelvargasf
      lmiguelvargasf almost 5 years
      @Zallin, I have added an answer to your question.
  • kiril
    kiril about 7 years
    Note that this is now deprecated
  • Ted Elliott
    Ted Elliott over 2 years
    Only the yield_fixture decorator is deprecated. You can still yield from the fixture. Just replace \@pytest.yield_fixture with \@pytest.fixture if pytest > 3.0