reverse proxy on PFsense, squid or otherwise


1) strip out the semi-colons, I don't think you need them. Or, at least I don't have any in my squid.conf (not in 2.x or 3.x), and they work :-)

2) Shouldn't

http_access allow surveillance AND camera

be just

http_access allow surveillance camera

If that does not work, is there something in the Squid error log which would tell you why the acl rules fail?


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Mustafa Ismail Mustafa
Author by

Mustafa Ismail Mustafa

Updated on September 17, 2022


  • Mustafa Ismail Mustafa
    Mustafa Ismail Mustafa over 1 year

    I've been trying to get this to work for days now and its not working. After bashing my head against the desk enough times, I've decided to man up and ask.

    I'm desperately trying to set up a reverse proxy on the pfsense box itself. One because its a pretty powerful box and its not being utilized to the maximum at all and two because I don't have any spare machines to setup squid (or any other reverse proxy [capable]) server on.

    So, on pfsense, everytime I set up rules (on Services>Proxy Server>General) as so:

    acl surveillance dstdomain surveillance.myweb.local;
    acl camera dstdomain camera.myweb.local;
    http_access allow surveillance AND camera

    (ad nauseum)

    when I check the services, squid stops and refuses to restart until I remove them pesky acls that are supposed to make my life easier!

    1. What am I doing wrong?
    2. How can I get it to work?
    3. Is there another way/package I can use?


    • abby
      abby almost 14 years
      What version of pfSense are you running? Is it the 1.2.x branch or the 2.x experiemental? Older?
    • Mustafa Ismail Mustafa
      Mustafa Ismail Mustafa almost 14 years
      PFsense 1.2.3 release.
  • Mustafa Ismail Mustafa
    Mustafa Ismail Mustafa almost 14 years
    Yes, its written on the page that you need to separate acls with semi-colons.