RSpec: how to test Rails logger message expectations?


Solution 1

While I agree you generally don't want to test loggers, there are times it may be useful.

I have had success with expectations on Rails.logger.

Using RSpec's deprecated should syntax:

Rails.logger.should_receive(:info).with("some message")

Using RSpec's newer expect syntax:

expect(Rails.logger).to receive(:info).with("some message")

Note: In controller and model specs, you have to put this line before the message is logged. If you put it after, you'll get an error message like this:

Failure/Error: expect(Rails.logger).to receive(:info).with("some message")
       (#<ActiveSupport::Logger:0x007f27f72136c8>).info("some message")
           expected: 1 time with arguments: ("some message")
           received: 0 times

Solution 2

With RSpec 3+ version

Actual code containing single invocation of Rails.logger.error:

Rails.logger.error "Some useful error message"

Spec code:

expect(Rails.logger).to receive(:error).with(/error message/)

If you want the error message to be actually logged while the spec runs then use following code:

expect(Rails.logger).to receive(:error).with(/error message/).and_call_original

Actual code containing multiple invocations of Rails.logger.error:

Rails.logger.error "Technical Error Message"
Rails.logger.error "User-friendly Error Message"

Spec code:

expect(Rails.logger).to receive(:error).ordered
expect(Rails.logger).to receive(:error).with(/User-friendly Error /).ordered.and_call_original

Also if you care about just matching the first message and not any subsequent messages then you can use following

  expect(Rails.logger).to receive(:debug).with("Technical Error Message").ordered.and_call_original
  expect(Rails.logger).to receive(:debug).at_least(:once).with(instance_of(String)).ordered

Note in above variation setting .ordered is important else expectations set start failing.


Solution 3

Instead of using this line before the message is logged:

expect(Rails.logger).to receive(:info).with("some message")
something that triggers the logger...

You could set the Rails logger as a spy and use have_received instead:

allow(Rails.logger).to receive(:info).at_least(:once)

something that triggers the logger...

expect(Rails.logger).to have_received(:info).with("some message").once

Solution 4

If your goal is to test logging functionality you may also consider verifying the output to standard streams.

This will spare you the mocking process and test whether messages will actually end up where they supposed to (STDOUT/STDERR).

With RSpec's output matcher (introduced in 3.0) you can do the following:

expect { my_method }.to output("my message").to_stdout
expect { my_method }.to output("my error").to_stderr

In case of libraries such as Logger or Logging you may have to use output.to_<>_from_any_process.

Solution 5

If you want to keep consistency in your tests, but setting the expectations at last you need to add in your setup:

setup do
 allow(Rails.logger).to receive(:info)

it 'should log an info message' do

  expect(Rails.logger).to have_received(:info).with('Starting the worker...')

Author by


Updated on July 05, 2022


  • keruilin
    keruilin almost 2 years

    I am trying to test that the Rails logger receives messages in some of my specs. I am using the Logging gem.

    Let's say that I have a class like this:

    class BaseWorker
      def execute 'Starting the worker...'

    And a spec like:

    describe BaseWorker do
      it 'should log an info message' do
        base_worker =
        logger_mock = double('Logging::Rails').as_null_object
        Logging::Rails.stub_chain(:logger, :info).and_return(logger_mock)
        logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('Starting the worker...')

    I get the following failure message:

     Failure/Error: logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('Starting worker...')
       (Double "Logging::Rails").info("Starting worker...")
           expected: 1 time
           received: 0 times

    I've tried out several different approaches to get the spec to pass. This works for example:

    class BaseWorker
      attr_accessor :log
      def initialize
        @log = logger
      def execute 'Starting the worker...'
    describe BaseWorker do
      it 'should log an info message' do
        base_worker =
        logger_mock = double('logger')
        base_worker.log = logger_mock
        logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('Starting the worker...')

    But having to setup an accessible instance variable like that seems like the tail is wagging the dog here. (Actually, I'm not even sure why copying logger to @log would make it pass.)

    What's a good solution for testing the logging?

    • Art Shayderov
      Art Shayderov almost 12 years
      That question did arise several times on SO, see for example here and here and the general consensus was that you don't test logging unless it's a project requirement.
    • keruilin
      keruilin almost 12 years
      Art, thanks for the comment. I did read those ones. That may be the ultimate answer.
  • Amol Pujari
    Amol Pujari over 9 years
    I have the similar case expect my expected string is a partial string, I could not figure out so far, how to deal with it, any help?
  • absessive
    absessive over 9 years
    @AmolPujari expect(Rails.logger).to receive(:info).with(/partial_string/) where "partial_string" is the string you're looking for. Simple Regex compare
  • mr_than
    mr_than over 9 years
    This is great, I'm checking I don't get anything at all logged to error and checking against Rspec's anything matcher does this nicely: expect(Rails.logger).to_not receive(:error).with(anything)
  • sixty4bit
    sixty4bit about 9 years
    what exactly do you mean by "you have to put this line before the message is logged"? The expectation appears in the code before the code that generates the log? I'm doing that and getting an error because the logger is getting the message that is logged from stuff being done in my let expressions before the it block even runs
  • banesto
    banesto over 8 years
    @sixty4bit it means, that expext.. receive works as an event listener - you have to set it up first and then launch the code that will log the message you want to catch
  • Sasgorilla
    Sasgorilla almost 8 years
    Does this not work in feature specs (as opposed to controller specs)? I'm using the code above: expect(Rails.logger).to receive(:info).with(/foobar/), placed before the spec code that will generate logging. I can plainly see the foobar statement in test.log after the spec runs, but the spec fails with the error above.
  • Sean
    Sean over 2 years
    The _from_any_process was what I was missing! Took way too long to find this. Thank you!
  • alexventuraio
    alexventuraio about 2 years
    I used the first approach but why this expect(Rails.logger).to receive(:info).with("A Report processing is already scheduled for: #{report.inspect}") was giving this error: expected: ("A Report processing is already scheduled for: #<Report id: 2677, org_id: 6649, user_id: ...tion: nil, life_state: \"ideation\", chat_link: nil, discarded_at: nil, registrants_count: 2>") ---> got: ("A Report processing is already scheduled for: [#<Report id: 2677, org_id: 6649, user_id:...ion: nil, life_state: \"ideation\", chat_link: nil, discarded_at: nil, registrants_count: 2>]") (1 time)