Ruby factorial function


Solution 1

There is no factorial function in the standard library.

Solution 2

Like this is better

(1..n).inject(:*) || 1

Solution 3

It's not in the standard library but you can extend the Integer class.

class Integer
  def factorial_recursive
    self <= 1 ? 1 : self * (self - 1).factorial
  def factorial_iterative
    f = 1; for i in 1..self; f *= i; end; f
  alias :factorial :factorial_iterative

N.B. Iterative factorial is a better choice for obvious performance reasons.

Solution 4

Shamelessly cribbed from, my personal favorite is

class Integer
  def fact
    (1..self).reduce(:*) || 1

>> 400.fact
=> 64034522846623895262347970319503005850702583026002959458684445942802397169186831436278478647463264676294350575035856810848298162883517435228961988646802997937341654150838162426461942352307046244325015114448670890662773914918117331955996440709549671345290477020322434911210797593280795101545372667251627877890009349763765710326350331533965349868386831339352024373788157786791506311858702618270169819740062983025308591298346162272304558339520759611505302236086810433297255194852674432232438669948422404232599805551610635942376961399231917134063858996537970147827206606320217379472010321356624613809077942304597360699567595836096158715129913822286578579549361617654480453222007825818400848436415591229454275384803558374518022675900061399560145595206127211192918105032491008000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

This implementation also happens to be the fastest among the variants listed in Rosetta Code.

update #1

Added || 1 to handle the zero case.

update #2

With thanks and appreciation to Mark Thomas, here's a version that is a bit more efficient, elegant and obscure:

class Integer
  def fact

Solution 5

In math, factorial of n is just the gamma function of n+1

Ruby has Math.gamma() so just use Math.gamma(n+1) and cast it back to an integer if desired.

Author by


Updated on November 18, 2021


  • rutger
    rutger over 2 years

    I'm going crazy: Where is the Ruby function for factorial? No, I don't need tutorial implementations, I just want the function from the library. It's not in Math!

    I'm starting to doubt, is it a standard library function?

  • sepp2k
    sepp2k about 14 years
    He explicitly said, he doesn't want an implementation.
  • Pierre-Antoine LaFayette
    Pierre-Antoine LaFayette about 14 years
    He may not; but people searching SO for "Ruby factorial" might.
  • Michael Kohl
    Michael Kohl over 12 years
    From the docs: "Note that gamma(n) is same as fact(n-1) for integer n > 0. However gamma(n) returns float and can be an approximation". If one takes that into account, it works, but the reduce solution seems a lot more straight forward.
  • chip
    chip about 12 years
    what the heck does that mean?! yeah it's fast but its very unuserfriendly though
  • Tarmo
    Tarmo almost 12 years
    it's also incorrect for 0! - should be something like: if self <= 1; 1; else; (1..self).reduce(:*); end
  • David J.
    David J. over 11 years
    Thanks for this! My gut says to use towards the standard library over a custom-written reduce whenever possible. Profiling might suggest otherwise.
  • Douglas G. Allen
    Douglas G. Allen about 11 years is just wrong. There isn't a case for 0
  • SDJMcHattie
    SDJMcHattie over 10 years
    @allen - Don't blame the language if you can't understand it. It simply means, take the range 1 to self, then remove the first element (1) from it (i.e. that's what reduce means in functional programming). Then remove the first element of what's left (2) and multiply (:*) those together. Now remove the first element from what's left (3) and multiply that with the running total. Keep going until there's nothing left (i.e. you've handled the entire range). If reduce fails (because the array is empty in the case of 0!) then just return 1 anyway.
  • Ayarch
    Ayarch over 10 years
    Correction: After n = 22 it ceases to give an exact answer and produces approximations.
  • fny
    fny about 10 years
    Note: It's O(1) and precise for 0..22: MRI Ruby actually performs a lookup for those values (see static const double fact_table[] in the source). Beyond that, its an approximation. 23!, for instance, requires a 56-bit mantissa which is impossible to represent precisely using he IEEE 754 double which has a 53-bit mantissas.
  • Andrew Marshall
    Andrew Marshall about 9 years
    Or specify the initial value directly: (1..n).reduce(1, :*).
  • Aleksei Matiushkin
    Aleksei Matiushkin almost 8 years
    What’s wrong with class Integer ; def ! ; (1..self).inject(:*) ; end ; end?
  • jasonleonhard
    jasonleonhard almost 8 years
    @mudasobwa I like it, I have refactored for simplicity.
  • MatzFan
    MatzFan over 6 years
    I'd respectfully suggest that overriding an instance method incorporated into all Ruby objects to return a truthy value, rather than a falsy one may not make you many friends.
  • Dorian
    Dorian over 6 years
    Ruby has the Math.gamma method, e.g.
  • Mark Thomas
    Mark Thomas over 6 years
    You can also handle the zero case by specifying the initial value in reduce: (1..self).reduce(1,:*).
  • Mark Thomas
    Mark Thomas over 6 years
    Actually you can use (2..self).reduce(1,:*), if micro-efficiency is your thing :)
  • Lex Lindsey
    Lex Lindsey almost 6 years
    Is the recursive version actually slower? It might depend on whether Ruby does tail-recursive optimization.
  • Alexander Gorg
    Alexander Gorg about 5 years
    What a crazy logic! We have (n-1)! function and don't have plain n! !!!
  • nonopolarity
    nonopolarity almost 5 years
    It might be really dangerous to make the negate operator to become something else when a happens to be Integer in the case of !a... doing so may cause a bug to exist which is very hard to tell. If a happens to be a big number such as 357264543 then the processor is going into a big loop and people may wonder why the program all of a sudden becomes slow
  • jasonleonhard
    jasonleonhard almost 5 years
    This answer was more just a cool thing to share rather than a practical example to use.
  • Neil Slater
    Neil Slater over 4 years
    Worth noting that the fastest one Math.gamma(n+1) is also only approximate for n > 22, so may not be suitable for all use cases.
  • Jaime Bellmyer
    Jaime Bellmyer over 2 years
    I don't believe the recursive version is actually recursive. It calls factorial, which is aliased to factorial_iterative. It never recurses into itself. So it's indirectly iterative.
  • Pablo
    Pablo over 2 years
    I like it but it's useful up to 50,000; anything higher is not a match for.
  • RixTheTyrunt
    RixTheTyrunt about 2 years
    Outputs 0 when tried with 5
  • RixTheTyrunt
    RixTheTyrunt about 2 years
    Oh nevermind it worked with a fix
  • Raksha Saini
    Raksha Saini about 2 years
    @RixTheTyrunt It worked with a fix. when we try any number in factorail_number(n). like factorial_number(5). Return 120
  • RixTheTyrunt
    RixTheTyrunt about 2 years
    I replaced all 1 and <= but it returned 0 when tried with any number
  • Raksha Saini
    Raksha Saini about 2 years
    @RixTheTyrunt Do you use:- puts factorial_number(5)? and getting 0.?