Ruby On Rails: Ajax to Refresh Partial Not Working


Solution 1

Make sure you have this in your application.js

//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs

FYI: Rails form_for :remote=>true is not calling js method

Then, change this,

$('#ajax').html("<%= escape_javascript(render(:partial => 'confessions')).html_safe %>");


$('#ajax').html("<%= escape_javascript(render(:partial => 'layouts/confessions')).html_safe %>");

Solution 2

Add :remote => true

<%= form_tag( { :controller => :confessions, :action => :upvote, :id => }, { :method => :put, :remote=>true } ) do %>

Also - read up on rails routes to see how to setup the route for PUT confessions/upvote.

Andrew Backes
Author by

Andrew Backes

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Andrew Backes
    Andrew Backes almost 2 years

    I am having a difficult time trying to get my partial to refresh on button press. I want to simply refresh the div, and not the whole page. Here is what I have in the view:

    <div id="ajax">
      <%= render 'layouts/confessions' %>

    Then in my partial _confessions.html.erb, I have some basic html and two buttons similar to this:

    <%= form_tag( { :controller => :confessions, :action => :upvote, :id => }, { :method => :put } ) do %>
        <%= submit_tag 'Like' %>
    <% end %>

    My confessions_controller.rb:

    def upvote
      @confession = Confession.find(params[:id])    
      Confession.increment_counter :upvotes, @confession
      respond_to do |format|

    And finally, upvote.js.erb:

    $('#ajax').html("<%= escape_javascript(render(:partial => 'confessions')).html_safe %>");

    The action of submitting to my database is working, but the page is now redirecting to /upvote?id=9 (id can be different), instead of just refreshing the div. What am I doing wrong? I am new to Rails, so I could be missing something completely obvious...

    EDIT: Here is my folder structure:

    My view: views/pages/home.html.erb

    My partial: views/layouts/_confessions.html.erb

    My Controller: controllers/confessions_controller.rb

    My js.erb file: views/confessions/upvote.js.erb

    After rake routes

        confessions GET    /confessions(.:format)            confessions#index
                    POST   /confessions(.:format)            confessions#create
    new_confession  GET    /confessions/new(.:format)        confessions#new
    edit_confession GET    /confessions/:id/edit(.:format)   confessions#edit
     confession     GET    /confessions/:id(.:format)        confessions#show
                    PUT    /confessions/:id(.:format)        confessions#update
                    DELETE /confessions/:id(.:format)        confessions#destroy
         upvote            /upvote(.:format)                 confessions#upvote
       downvote            /downvote(.:format)               confessions#downvote
           root            /                                 pages#home
  • Morgan O'Neal
    Morgan O'Neal about 11 years
    Sorry, had that in the wrong order. See the edit. { :method => :put, :remote=>true }
  • Andrew Backes
    Andrew Backes about 11 years
    Still just redirects me...Did you see my edit? Do I have the upvote.js.erb in the right area?
  • Morgan O'Neal
    Morgan O'Neal about 11 years
    Yeah, that's right. Should be in the same location as your views for confessions.
  • Andrew Backes
    Andrew Backes about 11 years idea what is wrong then. Do I have to add something in my routes??
  • Morgan O'Neal
    Morgan O'Neal about 11 years
    Run rake routes. Make sure there is something like... PUT /confessions(.:format) {:action=>"upvote", :controller=>"confessions"}
  • Morgan O'Neal
    Morgan O'Neal about 11 years
  • 244an
    244an about 11 years
    Shouldn't you use form_remote_tag or something instead of form_tag?