Ruby on Rails: Submitting an array in a form


Solution 1

If your html form has input fields with empty square brackets, then they will be turned into an array inside params in the controller.

# Eg multiple input fields all with the same name:
<input type="textbox" name="course[track_codes][]" ...>

# will become the Array 
# with an element for each of the input fields with the same name


Note that the rails helpers are not setup to do the array trick auto-magically. So you may have to create the name attributes manually. Also, checkboxes have their own issues if using the rails helpers since the checkbox helpers create additional hidden fields to handle the unchecked case.

Solution 2

= simple_form_for @article do |f|
  = f.input_field :name, multiple: true
  = f.input_field :name, multiple: true
  = f.submit

Solution 3

TL;DR version of HTML [] convention:


<input type="textbox" name="course[track_codes][]", value="a">
<input type="textbox" name="course[track_codes][]", value="b">
<input type="textbox" name="course[track_codes][]", value="c">

Params received:

{ course: { track_codes: ['a', 'b', 'c'] } }


<input type="textbox" name="course[track_codes][x]", value="a">
<input type="textbox" name="course[track_codes][y]", value="b">
<input type="textbox" name="course[track_codes][z]", value="c">

Params received:

{ course: { track_codes: { x: 'a', y: 'b', z: 'c' } }

Solution 4

I've also found out that if pass your input helper like this you will get an array of courses each one with its own attributes.

# Eg multiple input fields all with the same name:
<input type="textbox" name="course[][track_codes]" ...>

# will become the Array 

# where you can get the values of all your attributes like this:
   params["course"].each do |course|

Solution 5

I just set up a solution using jquery taginput:

I wrote a custom simple_form extension

# for use with:

class TagInput < SimpleForm::Inputs::Base

  def input
    @builder.text_field(attribute_name, input_html_options.merge(value: object.value.join(',')))


A coffeescrpt snippet:


And a tweak to my controller, which sadly has to be slightly specific:

@user = User.find(params[:id])
attrs = params[:user]

if @user.some_field.is_a? Array
  attrs[:some_field] = attrs[:some_field].split(',')

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William Jones
Author by

William Jones

Updated on July 05, 2022


  • William Jones
    William Jones almost 2 years

    I have a model that has an attribute that is an Array. What's the proper way for me to populate that attribute from a form submission?

    I know having a form input with a field whose name includes brackets creates a hash from the input. Should I just be taking that and stepping through it in the controller to massage it into an array?

    Example to make it less abstract:

    class Article
      serialize :links, Array

    The links variable takes the form of a an array of URLs, i.e. [[""], [""]]

    When I use something like the following in my form, it creates a hash:

    <%= hidden_field_tag "article[links][#{url}]", :track, :value => nil %>

    The resultant hash looks like this:

    "links" => {"" => "", "" => ""}

    If I don't include the url in the name of the link, additional values clobber each other:

    <%= hidden_field_tag "article[links]", :track, :value => url %>

    The result looks like this: "links" => ""

  • antinome
    antinome over 11 years
    If you care about the order of array elements being preserved and want to be really picky about standards, it might be worth reading this question. It sounds like the HTML specs imply, but are not 100% clear, that order should be preserved, but all browsers seem to do it.
  • emptywalls
    emptywalls over 9 years
    This is what I was looking for!
  • Obromios
    Obromios over 9 years
    This is what I was looking for, but was unable to make it work properly. I have asked for help here, but note that there is an open issue asking for simple_form to support arrays.
  • idmean
    idmean almost 9 years
    Please add an explanation what this code does. Like this the answer is not very helpful.
  • DannyB
    DannyB over 8 years
    The accepted answer should be updated to include this multiple: true update, which is clearly the way to go.
  • Filipe Esperandio
    Filipe Esperandio about 7 years
    is there are a way to use simple_form to generate those?
  • Canbey Bilgili
    Canbey Bilgili over 6 years
    f.input :name, input_html: { multiple: true } could be used for input
  • Fabrizio Bertoglio
    Fabrizio Bertoglio over 5 years
    html like <input name="course[track_codes][][field1]" multiple /><input name="course[track_codes][][field2]" multiple /> will generate params {course: {track_codes: [{field1: "yourvalue", field2: "yourvalue"},{field1: "yourvalue", field2: "yourvalue"}]}}
  • Jason Axelson
    Jason Axelson over 5 years
    Note: this answer requires the simple_form gem:
  • bjacobs
    bjacobs over 5 years
    @FilipeEsperandio f.input "course[track_codes][x]"
  • Alexis Delahaye
    Alexis Delahaye about 5 years
    f.input: name, multiple: true, value: ... also works with Rails native form_for @article do |f|
  • Humayun Naseer
    Humayun Naseer almost 3 years
    @FabrizioBertoglio what if we want to send multiple tags is a single input field?