Ruby one line if return statement


Solution 1

If possible values are String and NilClass, then the code can be simplified to this:

def something
  res = bla_permission_invalid()
  return res if res # strings are truthy, so they'll be returned but nil will proceed

  # do something else

Solution 2

def something
  bla_permission_invalid || (
  # do something else

Solution 3

For fun, one could rewrite your something method like this:

def something
  true.tap do
    bla_permission_invalid.tap { |res| return res if res.is_a? String }
    # do something else (thx Sergio)

But more importantly, Mark Thomas deserves credit for his observation, that the problem at hand should be solved by using custom exceptions.

Error code approach is good in languages that don't have exceptions. Ruby has them.

Solution 4

Mark Thomas already noted in his comment that it looks like you're trying to handle errors on your own using some kind of string identifier. You could use exceptions instead:

class AddressError < StandardError; end
class PermissionError < StandardError; end

def something
  # do something

def bla_permission_invalid
  raise AddressError if invalid_address?
  raise PermissionError if @user.not_one_of? [ :group1, :group2 ]

In the above code something calls bla_permission_invalid, performs its work and returns true. If an exception is raised in bla_permission_invalid, it automatically propagates up the call stack, you don't have to explicitly return it from something.

To handle the exception:

rescue AddressError
  # handle address error
rescue PermissionError
  # handle permission error
Author by


TechStacks (PL/DB only) C/C++ fan 2004.08-2012 Delphi fan 2005.08-2008.01 C# fan 2005.10-* PHP fan 2006.08-2009 Javascript fan 2009-2012, 2015.01-2021 PostgreSQL fan 2009-2019.06 Ruby fan 2012.08-2021.01 Go fan 2014.06-* Aerospike fan 2016.11-* Svelte fan 2020.03-* Tarantool fan 2020.09-* Clickhouse fan 2021.04-* TiDB fan 2021.11-* ScyllaDB fan 2022.03-* other preferred stack: SvelteNative, Unity3D Work History Lab and Teaching Assistant @ IE* Petra Christian University (2005-2008) Freelance Programming Tutor (2006-2014,2020) Network and System Administrator @ UPH Surabaya (2008-2010) Part-time Lecturer @ IE* Petra Christian University (2008-2011) Part-time Programmer and Teaching Assistant @ Information Systems UPH Surabaya (2010-2012) Lecturer @ IS* UPH Surabaya (2010-2013) Programmer @ Vi8e Interactive (2012-2013) Programmer and Lecturer @ IE* Surya University (2013-2014) Part-time Lecturer @ ICT* STKIP Surya (2013-2015) Freelance IT Consultant, IT Trainer (2014+) IT Specialist and Lecturer @ IS* President University (2014-2016) Backend Programmer @ Billions Platform (2016-2018) Game Programmer @ Alegrium (2018-2019) Backend Programmer @ Cyza (2020-2021) Backend Developer (Product) @ Bukalapak (2021-2021) Backend Developer (Platform) @ SoloFunds (2021-2022) Backend Developer (Product) @ secret (2022-now) IE* = Informatics Engineering IS* = Information Systems ICT* = Information and Communication Technology

Updated on June 15, 2022


  • Kokizzu
    Kokizzu about 2 years

    is there a way to shorten this line on Ruby?

    if (res = bla_permission_invalid).is_a? String then return res end


    def something # many things that like this
      if (res = bla_permission_invalid).is_a? String then return res end
      # do something else
      return true

    when the content of bla_permission_invalid are something like

    def bla_permission_invalid
      return invalid_address_report_func if invalid_address?
      return permission_error_report_func if @user.not_one_of? [ :group1, :group2 ]
      return nil

    invalid_adress_report_func and permission_error_report_func returns string

  • Sergio Tulentsev
    Sergio Tulentsev over 10 years
    You don't need the return here. And I find code blocks like this hard to read. But this will work.
  • Sergio Tulentsev
    Sergio Tulentsev over 10 years
    Where's "do something else" part? :)
  • Sergio Tulentsev
    Sergio Tulentsev over 10 years
    How are exceptions a part of OOP now? It's a totally unrelated concept ("error codes" vs. "exceptions")
  • Boris Stitnicky
    Boris Stitnicky over 10 years
    @SergioTulentsev: Things are getting confused in my head already, and I didn't even open that Bowmore bottle yet. If I separate the statement by saying that: 1. "The original code asks too many questions, violating 'tell, don't ask' principle, which can be satisfied by OOPing more", and 2. "Mark Thomas is dead on in his observation that this is the case for exceptions", is it better? I guess not much. As a biologist, I'm simply not professional enough in programming, you CS majors out there, help me to express my feelings, please!
  • Sergio Tulentsev
    Sergio Tulentsev over 10 years
    Handling error codes is a totally valid approach (in languages that don't have exceptions). Here, I agree, exceptions seem to be a better choice. So, I'm gonna go ahead and remove reference to OOP, since it's irrelevant here.
  • Boris Stitnicky
    Boris Stitnicky over 10 years
    And let me just comment, that raise has a popular alias fail, so instead of raise AddressError if invalid_address?, we can fail AddressError if invalid_address?.
  • Artem P
    Artem P over 6 years
    Is there way to replace return res if res because res is repeated here?
  • Sergio Tulentsev
    Sergio Tulentsev over 6 years
    @hlcs: off the top of my head - no.