Ruby/Rails - How to Create a Class and Access it from the Controller


You should put location.rb wherever you feel it makes the most sense. Having it at app/models/location.rb will ensure that it's automatically required when your app starts, but some people expect that classes in app/models are backed by ActiveRecord.

You could also put it under lib/ if you prefer.

To make it available to the app, you can include require statement in project initializers inside your config folder:

require "#{Rails.root}/lib/location.rb"

As for creating it inside your Controller - definitely! It's just another instance of a class:

def show
  @location ="My House", 12.345, 56.789)

And then in your view:

<%= draw_map_of @location %>

Don't forget – beneath Rails is all the power and flexibility of pure Ruby, ready to be used. You're not only limited to what Rails gives you.

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Developer Trying to learn how to develop

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • ChrisWesAllen
    ChrisWesAllen almost 2 years

    I've been trying to use a few different gems for displaying googlemaps within rails 3 and have had several problems.

    Luckily I found this which is a helper and it seems to work for others.

    I've installed it properly but in the readme it mentions creating a class for the object to display in the view.

    The example they gave was

    class Location
       attr_accessor :address, :lat, :lng
       def initialize(address, lat, lng)
          @address = address
          @lat = lat
          @lng = lng
      def to_s; address.to_s; end

    And then running

     <%= draw_map_of"My House", 12.345, 56.789) %>

    in the view.

    It seems simple enough but I haven't experienced the need of creating a class before in rails so I have some questions.

    Should I create a location.rb file and place the above code in it, but where should I place the file? (model folder, application folder????)

    Is there a way for me to create this class within my controller?

    Ideally I would like to manipulate the lat/lng values as variables and display a dynamic map.