Run a linux system command as a superuser, using a python script


Solution 1

You can either run your python script as root itself - then you won't need to add privilege to reload postfix.

Or you can configure sudo to not need a password for /etc/init.d/postfix.

sudo configuration (via visudo) allows NOPASSWD: to allow the command without a password. See

<username>  ALL = NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/postfix

or something similar.

Solution 2

#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// gcc -o reload_postfix reload_postfix.c
// chown root reload_postfix
// chmod +s reload_postfix

int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
    setuid( geteuid() );
    system("/etc/init.d/postifx reload");

Wrap your command in setuid-ed program. This will let any user restart postfix. You can of course further restrict the execute permission to certain groups.

Solution 3

To answer the error:"sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo", we have a setting called "Defaults requiretty" in sudoers file. I tried commenting it out and it worked :D.

Solution 4

import os
os.popen("sudo -S /etc/init.d/postifx reload", 'w').write("yourpassword")

This of course is almost always not a good idea as the password is in plain text.

Solution 5

if you're gonna do this in python you should just do the following:

write this command before the line that you call the shell command


then, you call the shell command without "sudo" prefix

Nanda Kishore
Author by

Nanda Kishore

Learning.... Always

Updated on October 11, 2020


  • Nanda Kishore
    Nanda Kishore over 3 years

    I have got postfix installed on my machine and I am updating virtual_alias on the fly programmatically(using python)(on some action). Once I update the entry in the /etc/postfix/virtual_alias, I am running the command:

    sudo /usr/sbin/postmap /etc/postfix/virtual_alias 2>>/work/postfix_valias_errorfile
    But I am getting the error:
    sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo

    I want to run the mentioned sudo command in a non-human way(meaning, I am running this system command from a python script.). So how do I get this command run programmatically?