Run after all cucumber tests


Solution 1

You could use the standard JUnit annotations.

In your runner class write something similar to this:

@Cucumber.Options(format = {"html:target/cucumber-html-report", "json-pretty:target/cucumber-json-report.json"})
public class RunCukesTest {

    public static void setup() {
        System.out.println("Ran the before");

    public static void teardown() {
        System.out.println("Ran the after");

Solution 2

What you could do is to register event handler for TestRunFinished event. For that you can create a custom plugin which will register your hook for this event :

public class TestEventHandlerPlugin implements ConcurrentEventListener {

    public void setEventPublisher(EventPublisher eventPublisher) {
        eventPublisher.registerHandlerFor(TestRunFinished.class, teardown);

    private EventHandler<TestRunFinished> teardown = event -> {
        //run code after all tests

and then you will have to register the plugin :

  • if you are running cucumber CLI you can use -p/--plugin option and pass fully qualified name of the java class : your.package.TestEventHandlerPlugin
  • for Junit runner :
@CucumberOptions(plugin = "your.package.TestEventHandlerPlugin") //set features/glue as you need.
public class TestRunner {


Solution 3

With TestNG suite annotations would work as well.

public static void setup() {
    System.out.println("Ran once the before all the tests");

public static void cleanup() {
    System.out.println("Ran once the after all the tests");

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Updated on October 14, 2022


  • user7637341
    user7637341 over 1 year

    Is there a way to run a method after all of the cucumber tests have been run?

    The @After annotation would run after every individual test, right? I wan't something that would only run once, but at the very end.

  • John Mercier
    John Mercier about 4 years
    Sometimes there are things that need to happen to maintain the lifecycle of tests (ie start spring, destory spring context). These actions should not be part of a feature file. The feature is the front-end of the test. It should only be concern with explaining what is happening in the test. Not what is happening in the code.
  • John Mercier
    John Mercier about 4 years
    Is there a solution that only involves executing tests from the cucumber Main class and not from a unit test?
  • payne
    payne almost 4 years
    This worked best for me. The @BeforeSuite didn't seem to trigger, though. (But I only needed the teardown).