Run `apt-get update` before installing other packages with Puppet


Solution 1

You need to specify the dependency relationships. The easiest/cleanest approach is to use the require parameter which is available for all resource types.

package { "zend-server-ce-php-5.2":
  ensure  => latest,
  require  => Exec['apt-get update'],


Solution 2

Since Puppet 2.6.0 a new feature "relationship syntax" was introduced.

An example in Puppet 2.6.0 and above would look like this:

exec { "apt-update":
    command => "/usr/bin/apt-get update"

Exec["apt-update"] -> Package <| |>

Every time a package command is executed, the dependency (in our case 'apt-update') will be triggered fist. You can even define longer chains.

Solution 3

I tried previous variant but it doesn't work for me on Ubuntu 10.04

Finaly I prepared the following script, that runs update everytime the repository is older than one week:

exec { 'apt-get update':
    command => "/usr/bin/apt-get update",
    onlyif => "/bin/bash -c 'exit $(( $(( $(date +%s) - $(stat -c %Y /var/lib/apt/lists/$( ls /var/lib/apt/lists/ -tr1|tail -1 )) )) <= 604800 ))'"

Hope it helps.

Solution 4

I prefer to put apt-upgrade into a separate stage running before the main stage, so I don't have to hard-wire any dependencies. Check here:

A simple example would look like below. It implies you have a separate class for doing the actual apt-update:

stage { "init": before  => Stage["main"] }

class {"apt-update": 
  stage => init, 
  apt_mirror => $apt_mirror 

Check my sample LAMPP-box on github to see how the pieces fit together:

Note: be careful with apt-upgrade, as some base boxes break by things like kernel upgrades.

Solution 5

In Puppet 3 this can be done by realizing virtual resources using resource collectors

# so you don't have to fully qualify paths to binaries
Exec { path => ['/usr/bin'] }    

# virtual resource
@exec { 'sudo apt-get update':
   tag => foo_update

# realize resource. filter by arbitrary "foo_update"
# tag and relate it to all Package resources
Exec <| tag == foo_update |> -> Package <| |>
Author by


Hi there, Jaromír Müller here. I'm tech entrepreneur and software engineer with many overlaps all kinds business. I run software company GetReady where we focus e-commerce and Magento. Occasionally I write to my personal page and my Magento oriented blog jaro365. I'm living in Czech republic. Central Europe. Feel free to reach me with any Magento related questions or tasks.

Updated on July 18, 2022


  • Jaro
    Jaro almost 2 years

    I'm trying to create puppet module which automates installation of zend server CE, this is not important here, but steps are as following

    1. update /etc/apt/source.list
    2. download repos key via wget
    3. do apt-get update
    4. do apt-get install zend-server-ce-5.2

    I have init.pp file

    class zendserverce {
    file_line { 'debian_package':
        path => '/etc/apt/sources.list',
        line => 'deb server non-free'
    exec { "wget -O- |apt-key add -":
        path => ["/usr/bin", "/usr/sbin"]
    exec { "apt-get update":
        command => "/usr/bin/apt-get update",
        onlyif  => "/bin/sh -c '[ ! -f /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin ] || /usr/bin/find /etc/apt/* -cnewer /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin | /bin/grep . > /dev/null'",
    package { "zend-server-ce-php-5.2":
        ensure => "latest"

    Seems that puppet runs commands in different order then I need. Is there any way how to for tell him to run in my desired order?

    The output of such snippet is

      [0;36mnotice: /Stage[main]/Mc/Package[mc]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' to 'latest'[0m
      [1;35merr: /Stage[main]/Zendserverce/Package[zend-server-ce-php-5.2]/ensure: change from purged to latest failed: Could not update: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install zend-server-ce-php-5.2' returned 100: Reading package lists...
      Building dependency tree...
      Reading state information...
      E: Couldn't find package zend-server-ce-php-5.2 at /tmp/vagrant-puppet/modules 0/zendserverce/manifests/init.pp:28[0m
      [0;36mnotice: /Stage[main]/Zendserverce/Exec[wget -O- |apt-key add -]/returns: executed successfully[0m
      [0;36mnotice: /Stage[main]/Zendserverce/File_line[debian_package]/ensure: created[0m
      [0;36mnotice: Finished catalog run in 6.75 seconds[0m

    So it says: Couldn't find package zend-server-ce-php-5.2

    Can anyone guide me what is wrong?

  • Jaro
    Jaro almost 12 years
    I read and puppet provides stages so you can explicitly specify ordering of execution. Run stage were added in Puppet version 2.6.0, you now have the ability to specify any number of stages which provide another method to control the ordering of resource management in puppet.
  • Brandon Cook
    Brandon Cook almost 11 years
    This may be "easiest/cleanest" but is it maintainable? If the Exec needed to change then you have to go back and replace every declaration, the point being this approach isn't referential.
  • Aktau
    Aktau almost 11 years
    I actually use stages for this, but I have to admit that this trick is pretty nifty!
  • spuder
    spuder over 10 years
    This doesn't work for me on 3.2.4 unless I change to fully qualified paths. @exec { '/usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/apt-get update...
  • Brandon Cook
    Brandon Cook over 10 years
    Good call I tested this having long ago added Exec { path => ['/usr/bin'] }
  • yungchin
    yungchin over 10 years
    Thanks, this was super helpful! For other novices like me wondering about that last line: "<|" is collector notation, see
  • Thomas Welton
    Thomas Welton over 10 years
    Awesome. This is a pretty awesome feature I didn't know about. Thanks for sharing.
  • kaiser
    kaiser almost 10 years
    Link is dead like a mouse.
  • joerx
    joerx almost 10 years
    Fixed the link, but the relevant part of the manifest is commented out now. You can still see it though. Nothing is static ...
  • r3cgm
    r3cgm over 9 years
    This seems to run on every puppet update whether a package install is necessary or not. Is there a way to tighten this up so that apt-get update only runs when a package is missing from the system?
  • DrDol
    DrDol over 9 years
    @r3cgm What is your package 'ensure' setting? If it happens also for 'ensure' => 'installed', the relationship syntax could be changed to: Exec["apt-update"] -> Package <| ensure == latest |> But then for every non 'ensure => latest' package, apt-update will not run.
  • r3cgm
    r3cgm over 9 years
    Thanks @DrDol! We have ensure set to 'present' but may be moving toward an ensure 'latest' model soon. I think we kind of have a catch 22 issue here. If we bind an apt-get update against "ensure == installed" then it'll run the apt-get update every time before seeing if the package is there. That's the original scenario we're trying to avoid; running the apt-get update all the time. But if we bind apt-get update against "ensure == latest" only then whenever we find a missing package we'll have missed out on doing the apt-get update before doing the install and we might install something old.
  • Kevin Cox
    Kevin Cox over 9 years
    @BrandonCook Then you can give your exec a new name. exec{update: command => "apt-get update"} then reference it as Exec[update].
  • Felix Frank
    Felix Frank over 9 years
    It's actually not possible to have Puppet sync the exec only if the dependent package resources need syncing. Such things only work by sending events through notify/subscribe. This in turn would only work if the packages do synchronize before the exec. A middle ground may be found in a schedule to have the update run only once per night. - Generally note that the collector syntax has a drawback - it will realize all virtual package resources that may end up being part of the manifest.
  • mc0e
    mc0e about 8 years
    If you do this for a number of repos, then you might wind up doing more apt-get updates than you'd like to. Puppet's "stages" are a feature to be careful of, but this is the best use case I know of.