Running celery worker + beat in the same container


docker run only one CMD, so only the first CMD get executed, the work around is to create a bash script that execute both worker and beat and use the docker CMD to execute this script


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Updated on June 04, 2022


  • hugo
    hugo almost 2 years

    My flask app is comprised of four containers: web app, postgres, rabbitMQ and Celery. Since I have celery tasks that run periodically, I am using celery beat. I've configured my docker-compose file like this:

    version: '2'
        # ...      
        # ...
        # ...
            context: .
            dockerfile: Dockerfile.celery

    And my Dockerfile.celery looks like this:

    # ...code up here...
    CMD ["celery", "-A", "app.tasks.celery", "worker", "-B", "-l", "INFO"]

    While I read in the docs that I shouldn't go to production with the -B option, I hastily added it anyway (and forgot about changing it) and quickly learned that my scheduled tasks were running multiple times. For those interested, if you do a ps aux | grep celery from within your celery container, you'll see multiple celery + beat processes running (but there should only be one beat process and however many worker processes). I wasn't sure from the docs why you shouldn't run -B in production but now I know.

    So then I changed my Dockerfile.celery to:

    # ...code up here...
    CMD ["celery", "-A", "app.tasks.celery", "worker", "-l", "INFO"]
    CMD ["celery", "-A", "app.tasks.celery", "beat", "-l", "INFO"]

    No when I start my app, the worker processes start but beat does not. When I flip those commands around so that beat is called first, then beat starts but the worker processes do not. So my question is: how do I run celery worker + beat together in my container? I have combed through many articles/docs but I'm still unable to figure this out.


    I changed my Dockerfile.celery to the following:

    ENTRYPOINT [ "/bin/sh" ]
    CMD [ "./" ]    

    And my file looks like this:

    #!/bin/sh -ex
    celery -A app.tasks.celery beat -l debug &
    celery -A app.tasks.celery worker -l info &

    However, I'm receiving the error celery_1 exited with code 0

    Edit #2

    I added the following blocking command to the end of my file and all was fixed:

    tail -f /dev/null
    • Mazel Tov
      Mazel Tov about 6 years
      you can create another container just for beat and override its worker command... when you scale your workers you will be scaling just them and not the beat (scheduler) too
    • hugo
      hugo about 6 years
      @MazelTov - good suggestion and for my next project I'll consider putting these in separate containers. For various reasons, I needed both of these processes to run in the same container.
  • hugo
    hugo about 6 years
    thanks for the answer but, unfortunately, it's not working for me. Using your suggestion, I encounter the same issue: that is, in my Dockerfile.celery I'm running ENTRYPOINT [ "/bin/sh" ] followed by CMD [ "./" ]. The shell script has the two commands: celery -A app.tasks.celery beat -l debug followed by celery -A app.tasks.celery worker -l info. Just as before, the first command executes but the second does not. Am I doing something wrong?
  • shahaf
    shahaf about 6 years
    does the first line ends with & meaning execute in background and continue to the next line (also the second line should end with & for best practice use)
  • hugo
    hugo about 6 years
    I've added & to the end of each command but upon starting up my container I get the following error celery_1 exited with code 0. I've added my shell script to my original post. Any other suggestions?
  • shahaf
    shahaf about 6 years
    it seems that the container is running all services and than exists, try to add a blocking cmd at the end of the bash script, something like tailf some file or something
  • hugo
    hugo about 6 years
    you're suggestions have been helpful. Everything works now! One tiny cleanup issue remains, that is: I did a tail -f blank.log where the blank.log file only contains a comment and nothing else. When the command runs, my console complains with tail: unrecognized file system type 0x794c7630 for ‘blank.log'. It's not a big deal since everything works but it'd be nice to address the error. Any suggestions?
  • hugo
    hugo about 6 years
    Celery beatX looks interesting. However, it currently seems to only work with Redis and Memcached. I'm using RabbitMQ and would prefer not to add more technology to my stack. But it's good to know about this so thanks for the suggestion.
  • hugo
    hugo about 6 years
    FYI: I fixed the last error I was getting with tail -f /dev/null.
  • Mazel Tov
    Mazel Tov about 6 years
    i think this approach work but i would not recommend it. you are losing output of celery beat and you will not know what happens inside container because throwing log out
  • shahaf
    shahaf about 6 years
    @MazelTov is right, better practice is to append the celery output to some logfile (best practice to make this logfile persistence on the host)
  • Mazel Tov
    Mazel Tov about 6 years
    everything that prints to STDOUT in docker container is a log :-), i think you are better with the -B option when running the worker
  • Divick
    Divick about 5 years
    The other option is to use something like dumb-init.
  • Carl Kroeger Ihl
    Carl Kroeger Ihl over 4 years
    @hugo I needed to do the same thing as you, and your last Edit solved it quickly for me. celery -A app.tasks.celery beat -l debug & celery -A app.tasks.celery worker -l info & tail -f /dev/null Maybe it should be added as an answer.