Running Chromium inside Docker - Gtk: cannot open display: :0


Solution 1

i don't know much about chromium, but, I did work with X way back when :-) When you tell an X client to connect to :0, what you are saying is connect to port 6000 (or whatever your X server runs on) + 0, or port 6000 in this case. In fact, DISPLAY is IP:PORT (with the +6000 as mentioned above). The X server is running on your host, so, if you set:


that might work. However, X servers did not allow connections from just any old client, so, you will need to open up your X server. on your host, run

xhost +

before running the docker container. All of this is assuming you can run chromium on your host (that is, an X server exists on your host).

Solution 2


xhost local:root

This solve mine, I am on Debian Jessie.

Solution 3

Adding as reference (see real answer from greg)

In your Linux host add

  xhost +"local:docker@"

In Docker image add

RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -qqy x11-apps

and then run

sudo docker run \
    --rm \ # delete container when bash exits
    -it \ # connect TTY
    --privileged \
    --env DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY \ # export DISPLAY env variable for X server
    -v $XAUTH:/root/.Xauthority \ # provide authority information to X server
    -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \ # mount the X11 socket
    -v /home/alex/coding:/coding \
    alexcpn/nvidia-cuda-grpc:1.0 bash

Inside the container -check a sample command


Solution 4

For Ubuntu 20.04, changing DISPLAY=:0 to DISPLAY=$DISPLAY fixed it for me, my local env had $DISPLAY set to :1:

docker run --rm -ti --net=host -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY fr3nd/xeyes

Solution 5

So, I also had a requirement to open a graphical application within my docker container. So, these are the steps that worked for my environment.(Docker version: 19.03.12 , Container OS: Ubuntu 18.04). Before running the container, make the host's X server accept connections from any client by running this command: xhost +. This is a very non-restrictive way to connect to the host's X server, and you can restrict as per the other answers given. Then, run the container with the --network=host option (E.g: docker run --network=host <my image name>). Once container is up, log in to its shell, and launch your app with DISPLAY=:0 (E.g: DISPLAY=:0 <my graphical app>)

Author by


Updated on July 12, 2022


  • user3538553
    user3538553 almost 2 years

    When I try to run chromium inside a docker container I see the following error: Gtk: cannot open display: :0

    Dockerfile: (based on

    FROM debian:jessie
    # Install Chromium
    RUN sed -i.bak 's/jessie main/jessie main contrib non-free/g' /etc/apt/sources.list && \
        apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
        chromium \
        chromium-l10n \
        libcanberra-gtk-module \
        libexif-dev \
        libpango1.0-0 \
        libv4l-0 \
        pepperflashplugin-nonfree \                                                                          
        --no-install-recommends && \
        mkdir -p /etc/chromium.d/
    # Autorun x11vnc
    CMD ["/usr/bin/chromium", "--no-sandbox", "--user-data-dir=/data"]

    build and run:

    docker build -t chromium
    docker run -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --privileged chromium

    and the error:

    [1:1:0202/] Running without the SUID sandbox! See for more information on developing with the sandbox on.
    No protocol specified
    [1:1:0202/] Gtk: cannot open display: :0
  • GameScripting
    GameScripting almost 9 years
    stopping the container, running xhost + on the host and starting the container again did it for me
  • Andy Smith
    Andy Smith over 8 years
    Or it seems you can do xhost +local:docker to be more restrictive.
  • opentokix
    opentokix about 8 years
    If you do xhost + you will essentially disable accesscontrol to your xwindowssystem. So use a more restrictive xhost for instance xhost +SI:localuser:root if root is the user running your docker daemon. This will only allow a local socket connection, and not internet or networkhosts to access your xwindows.
  • Baptiste Mathus
    Baptiste Mathus about 8 years
    Though attractive, DON'T DO THAT. See the comment above. That solution basically ALLOWS ANYONE TO CONNECT TO YOUR MACHINE. Prefer using the more restrictive only allowing a local connection
  • HugoTai
    HugoTai over 6 years
    Worked on Archlinux, think you, i can go full docker now!
  • Whoami
    Whoami over 5 years
    Can u please provide a tiny explanation about this command?. It would be much helpful.
  • Ben Poon
    Ben Poon over 4 years
    "The xclock program displays the time in analog or digital form. The time is continuously updated at a fre‐quency which may be specified by the user." part of the x11-apps package installed above
  • IcyFlame
    IcyFlame almost 4 years
    This answer was useful! (esp the XAuthority volume mount section) @Whoami Done!
  • Konrad Botor
    Konrad Botor almost 4 years
    Actually don't do either of those. Instead add --network=host to docker run parameters. This will allow your container to use your host's network stack making -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY work as intended by OP.
  • Tomilov Anatoliy
    Tomilov Anatoliy over 3 years
    --network host is all I needed, when crawling through all the Internet.
  • Matteo Toma
    Matteo Toma over 2 years
    (the script is for Windows's users, plus remember to flag "disable access control" when running xlaunch(VcXsrv)