Running jasmine tests for a component with NgZone dependency


Solution 1

If your problem is about runOutsideAngular because then you cannot use async or fakeAsync, the only thing you need to mock is that function and the following works well:

const ngZone = TestBed.get(NgZone);

spyOn(ngZone, 'runOutsideAngular').and.callFake((fn: Function) => fn());

Solution 2

In Angular 5.2.4 (installed via Angular CLI 1.6.8) the mock was removed from the codebase so there's no need to use it in Jasmine. Just skip the declaration of NgZone in providers list.

Solution 3

It's a bit of a mystery, MockNgZone is still in the source but removed from the public API.

Given the simple implementation of mock run()

export class MockNgZone extends NgZone {
  run(fn: Function): any { return fn(); }

I would use this to get you over the hump

const mockNgZone = jasmine.createSpyObj('mockNgZone', ['run', 'runOutsideAngular']); => fn());

  providers: [
    { provide: NgZone, useValue: mockNgZone },

Solution 4

I also had similar requirement and this is how I did it,

TestBed configuration,

beforeEach(() => {
        imports: [
            // Specify imports
        providers: [
            { provide: DependentService, useValue: dependentServiceSpy }
            // Do not provide NgZone here
    guard = TestBed.inject(ARouteGuard);

Please note here that I HAVE NOT SPECIFIED NgZone in the providers array.

And this is how my tests will look like,

it('should be created', () => {
    let zone = TestBed.get(NgZone);
    spyOn(zone, 'run').and.callFake((fn: Function) => fn());
    // Implement your test and expectations


I had to remove NgZone or it's corresponding mock objects from the providers: [ ] array because, it introduced other errors like "Can't resolve all parameters for NgZone" and "Cannot read property subscribe of undefined".

Author by


Updated on August 03, 2022


  • Andrey
    Andrey almost 2 years

    How would I go ahead with running a jasmine test for the following component:

      selector: "testComp",
      template: "<div>{{value}}</div>",
    export class TestComp {
      public value: string = "This is me";
      constructor(public zone: NgZone) { => console.log("zone is here"));

    The following fails with the Can't resolve all parameters for NgZone:

    describe("test", () => {
        let fixture;
        let component;
    beforeEach(async(() => {
            declarations: [TestComp],
            schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA],
            providers: [NgZone]
    beforeEach(() => {
        fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComp);
        component = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;
    it("should check that the component is created", () => {


    using Angular 4.1.3. I found the MockNgZone class @ But it seems unavailable in the @angular/core/testing for this particular version: enter image description here

    Anybody knows what I should do to test this component?
