Running spock unit tests with Maven


Solution 1

Maven Surefire finds test classes by their name. Either change the class name to ATest, or reconfigure the name pattern used by Surefire. The POM for the spock-example project demonstrates how to do the latter.

Solution 2

This answer is purely supplemental to @PeterNiederwieser's answer. In it he mentions that you can configure the name pattern used by Surefire. Here is an example of what worked for me:

            <!-- By default only files ending in 'Test' will be included, so also include support for Spock style naming convention -->
            <!-- Oddly enough for Groovy files, *Spec.groovy does not work, but * does -->


As I mention in the comments, I'm not sure why **/*Spec.groovy didn't work, but I'm happy to be able to use the normal Spock convention here.

Solution 3

I had the same requirement to add Spock to my existing java web app. I tried Peters but it did not work for me. gmavenplus-plugin somehow (no idea) replaced my guava dependency with a very old google lib and my Spring application broke complaining about a non-existent method.

After literally maybe 2 or 3 dozen attempts, I finally was able to integrate my Spock Unit tests, and Integration tests and more importantly to isolate the compilation of the Spock groovy classes from my existing Java/Junit Spring/Hibernate application.

Of course if I had gradle it would have solved the issue...but this is a legacy project and therefore I had not the choice.

Below are the plugins I added. Please note the Spock unit tests end with Spec. The Spock integration tests end with IT (but most probably should be SpecIT). I put my Spock tests under src/test/groovy.

                        <!-- Without joint compilation - no dependencies between Java and Groovy (inheritance)-->

                        <!-- Yes, .java extension -->
                        <!-- Just in case having "normal" JUnit tests -->

And here are my dependencies:

        <!--Spock -->



        <!--Spock mocking dependencies -->

And just to let you know, my original POM had absolutely no explicit plugins AT ALL. So I had a very simply POM for my project. So, it should work for you. It is a Java 1.7 project.

...and finally, just to give you some confidence that this is not a rubbish post, I did multiple tests in order to ensure the above worked:

  1. Just build the WAR without the tests and deploy and smoke test it locally
    mvn clean install -DskipTests -Dmaven.test.skip=true

  2. Do a test compile and see if the Groovy Unit tests get compiled as well
    mvn -X clean test-compile

  3. Do a clean install without the Integration test (i made sure it was failing for this test) and see if the Groovy unit tests are run
    mvn clean install -DskipITs

  4. Just run the integration test
    mvn failsafe:integration-test

I would have liked to include screenshots of the above as proof but it would have had to be censored...So, I sincerely hope this helps you, as I was going mental trying to get this working...Maven is a huge subject area. Good luck :=)

Neil Stevens
Author by

Neil Stevens

Updated on June 26, 2021


  • Neil Stevens
    Neil Stevens almost 3 years

    On a previous project I used the Spock testing framework to unit test my Java code. I found this really productive so I am trying to add Spock tests to my current project which uses Maven as its build tool (The previous project used Gradle). While I can get Maven to compile my Spock tests (using groovy-eclipse-compiler), I am unable to get Maven to run the tests.

    I've made a simple example to demonstrate my problem with 2 files:

    • pom.xml
    • src/test/java/ASpec.groovy

    Contents of pom.xml:

    <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

    Contents of ASpec.groovy:

    import spock.lang.Specification
    class ASpec extends Specification {
        def "Test A"(){
            // Always fail
            expect: false

    When I execute mvn clean test (or mvn clean install) I would expect my single unit test to be run and fail. While it is compiled, Maven does not run it. Does any one know how to run a Spock unit test from Maven (or if it is possible?)

    (I have not put my test in a package to keep the example simple. Also I have put my groovy code in src/test/java to avoid configuring the example to pick up source files from an additional directory, again to keep the example as simple as possible.)