RxJS pipe chaining with IF statement in the middle


Just instead of map use one of its variants that work with Observables like concatMap or mergeMap (switchMap will work as well in this situation):

  concatMap(data => {
    if (data.length === 0) {
      // this line is the one I have a problem with
      return this.processedStockApi.getDefaultValues();
    } else {
      // this line returns fine
      return of(data);
  switchMap(data => this.apiCall.doSomethingWithData(data)),

Note that both if-else blocks now return Observables. It's concatMap who subscribes to them and emits their result further.

Alfa Bravo
Author by

Alfa Bravo

Updated on June 17, 2022


  • Alfa Bravo
    Alfa Bravo almost 2 years

    I am getting a value, and based on the return, if data actually returned the first time I just send it through and carry on, else if nothing returns I get default values and carry on with the data.

    My problem is returning the default data after the IF statement. I can not get it to return the data, instead of the observable/subscription

    It looks something like this:

    getValuesFunction() {
        const getFirstValues$ = this.ApiCall.getFirstValues();
        this.subscription = getFirstValues$.pipe(
            map(data => {
               if (data.length === 0) {
                  // this line is the one I have a problem with
                  return this.processedStockApi.getDefaultValues().subscribe();
               } else {
                  // this line returns fine
                  return data;
            switchMap(data => this.apiCall.doSomethingWithData(data))

    // ApiCall

    getDefaultValues() {
        return this.http.get<any>(this.stockUrl + 'getSelectiveDeleteData');
  • Alfa Bravo
    Alfa Bravo over 5 years
    Very nice, they say to just learn a new operator every few weeks, and it seems I have now learned concatMap :)
  • jcdsr
    jcdsr over 2 years
    just make sure to understand that throwError() is not throw error medium.com/angular-in-depth/…