Safe width in pixels for printing web pages?


Solution 1

As for a true “universal answer”, I can’t provide one. I can, however, provide a simple and definitive answer for some particulars...


At least this seems to be a safe answer for Microsoft products. I read many suggestions, including 675, but after testing this myself 670 is what I came up with up.

All the DPI, margin issues, hardware differences aside, this answer is based on the fact that if I use print preview in IE9 (with standard margins) – and SET THE PRINT SIZE TO 100% rather than the default of “shrink to fit”, everything fits on the page without getting cut off at this width.

If I send an HTML email to myself and receive it with Windows Live Mail 2011 (what Outlook Express became) and I print the page at 670 width – again everything fits. This holds true if I send it to an actual hard copy or a an MS XPS file (virtual printout).

Before I experimented, I was using a arbitrary width of 700. In all the scenarios mentioned above part of the page was getting cut off. When I reduced to 670, everything fit perfectly.

As for how I set the width – I just used a primitive “wrapper” html table and defined it’s width to be 670.

If you can dictate the end user’s software, such matters can be straight forward. If you cannot (as is usually the case of course) you can test for particulars like which browsers they are using, etc. and hardcode the solutions for the important ones. Between IE and FF, you will cover literally about 90% of web users. Put in some other code for “everyone else” which generally seems to work and call it a day...

Solution 2

It's not as straightforward as looks. I just run into a similar question, and here is what I got: First, a little background on wikipedia.

Next, in CSS, for paper, they have pt, which is point, or 1/72 inch. So if you want to have the same size of image as on the monitor, first you have to know the DPI/PPI of your monitor (usually 96, as mentioned on the wikipedia article), then convert it to inches, then convert it to points (divide by 72).

But then again, the browsers have all sorts of problems with printable content, for example, if you try to use float css tags, the Gecko-based browsers will cut your images mid page, even if you use page-break-inside: avoid; on your images (see here, in the Mozilla bug tracking system).

There is (much) more about printing from a browser in this article on A List Apart.

Furthermore, you have to deal width "Shrink to Fit" in the print preview, and the various paper sizes and orientations.

So either you just figure out a good image size in inches, I mean points, (7.1" * 72 = 511.2 so width: 511pt; would work for the letter sized paper) regardless of the pixel sizes, or go width percentage widths, and base your image widths on the paper size.

Good luck...

Solution 3

One solution to the problem that I found was to just set the width in inches. So far I've only tested/confirmed this working in Chrome. It worked well for what I was using it for (to print out an 8.5 x 11 sheet)

@media print {
    .printEl { 
        width: 8.5in;
        height: 11in;

Solution 4

For printing I don't set any width and remove any obstacles which keep your print layout from having a dynamic width. Meaning if you make your browser window smaller and smaller, no content is cut/hidden but the document just gets longer. Like this, you can be sure that the rest will be handled by the printer/pdf-creator.

What about elements with a fixed width such as images or tables?


Options I can think of:

  • scale images down in your print CSS to a width which you can assume will fit in any case, use pt not px (but print will need more points/unit anyways, so this should hardly be a problem)
  • exclude from being printed


  • remove the fixed width
  • use landscape if you really have tables with loads of information
  • don't use tables for layout purposes
  • exclude from being printed
  • extract content, print it as paragraphs

or any other google result for combinations of: CSS, print, media, layout

Solution 5

A solution to ensure that images don't get cut when printed in a Web page is to have the following CSS rule:

@media print { 
  img { 
    max-width:100% !important;
Author by


Updated on November 05, 2020


  • aemkei
    aemkei over 3 years

    What is the safe width in pixels to print a web page?

    My page includes large images and I want to make sure they will not be cut of when printed.

    I know about different browser margins and US Letter / DIN A4 paper sizes. So we got standard letter sized and some default DPI values. But can I convert these into pixel values to specify in the image's width attribute?

  • aemkei
    aemkei over 15 years
    But what about elements with a fixed width such as images and tables?
  • aemkei
    aemkei over 15 years
    But images needs width and height attributes specified in pixels. I need to convert PT values to pixel based on the printer standard DPI and dimension.
  • ARemesal
    ARemesal over 15 years
    Then you have to play with the image containers... or apply trial and error ;) However, I think using two separated CSS files, one for screen and another for print, is a good practice.
  • Michael J. Calkins
    Michael J. Calkins over 11 years
    I actually had an easier time just creating a PHP Image GD version of the material I wanted to print (postcards, flyers, etc.) which I just fed info from a db and it reformatted itself accordingly. I just kept the ratio of pixels correct. 4x6 postcard (350dpi) == 2135x1435 px
  • CodingInTheUK
    CodingInTheUK over 9 years
    I would just like to add a comment that while at the time of this answer FF and IE may have held between them 90% share of the browsers used (i find it unlikely with google offering chrome to just about any person who searched with any other browser which imo is at the moment a better lighter browser) but its unlikely that they still do as trends change and a browser share often changes like any other market share.
  • Blazemonger
    Blazemonger about 9 years
    You're not taking the page margins into account. Or the possibility of A4 paper sizes.
  • Hafenkranich
    Hafenkranich almost 9 years
    give the <img> tag a surroundig <div> the div gets width an height in pt and the img gets width:100%; height:100%;
  • leedotpang
    leedotpang over 8 years
    This was perfect for me, it makes so much sense.
  • rune711
    rune711 almost 8 years
    This answers the question, although it is obviously more complicated than a simple px size.
  • J.Ko
    J.Ko over 4 years
    @Blazemonger with @media print, you can set those. You can set size: letter or size: A4.
  • Blazemonger
    Blazemonger over 4 years
    @J.Ko That wasn't the point; it's the end user who might use either A4 or letter paper, and the CSS designer can't be certain which one is available to the user.
  • Blunderchips
    Blunderchips almost 3 years
    The link on the answer gives a 404