Samsung Galaxy Note III emulator settings


OK after much fiddling, I got it (works as of 10/23/14)

This is for Samsung Note 3.

Create a new Device Definition.

screen size: 5.7"
resolution: 1080x1920
size: normal
ram: 1GB
density: XXHDPI (device is 386dpi)

No Skin (this will cause the buttons to show up, so edit the config.ini mainkeys to yes to remove them) Then create an AVD with that, and it should match the Samsung Remote Test Labs.

My God
Author by

My God

Sr. Software Engineer (Information Technology) Technologies - Ruby ON Rails, Java/J2EE, Android Development. Certifications - Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP) Experience - 7 years Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.

Updated on June 28, 2022


  • My God
    My God almost 2 years

    I am porting my iPhone app over to android and the client uses Samsung Galaxy Note III.

    I need to create an emulator to help with the debugging, but I am getting problems in starting the emulator with the settings I got from gsmarena.

    There are similar posts but they are of Samsung Galaxy Note II and also used old AVD.

    What should be selected in AVD (Device and Target)?

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    I also did some changes and my final settings came up to be:

    Emulator AVD-

    Device: 1080 x 1920:xhdpi

    Target: Google API's(Google Inc.) - API Level 17

    RAM: 256

    VM Heap: 48

    Internal Storage: 1 GB

    SD Card Size: 1024 MB

    With the above settings if I run the emulator, all I can see is a black blank screen even after waiting for as long as 20 minutes.

    So, I checked "Run Configurations" in eclipse and there the emulator was on online mode. Then I simply run it.

    But I got the following in console:

    [2013-10-15 15:55:15 - rabus] Android Launch!
    [2013-10-15 15:55:15 - rabus] adb is running normally.
    [2013-10-15 15:55:15 - rabus] Performing com.rabus.main.DispatureActivity activity launch
    [2013-10-15 15:55:22 - rabus] Uploading rabus.apk onto device 'emulator-5554'
    [2013-10-15 15:55:48 - rabus] Installing rabus.apk...
    [2013-10-15 15:55:53 - rabus] Success!
    [2013-10-15 15:55:53 - rabus] Starting activity com.rabus.main.DispatureActivity on device emulator-5554
    [2013-10-15 15:55:58 - rabus] Device not ready. Waiting 3 seconds before next attempt.
    [2013-10-15 15:55:58 - rabus] ActivityManager: at Method)
    [2013-10-15 15:55:58 - rabus] ActivityManager: at
    [2013-10-15 15:55:58 - rabus] ActivityManager: at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
    [2013-10-15 15:56:01 - rabus] Starting activity com.rabus.main.DispatureActivity on device emulator-5554

    As seen by the above output, the device is still not ready.

    What are the correct settings for this emulator in order to get it run ?