SAPUI5 routing - Control with ID idAppControl could not be found


it's difficult to debug the routing code of someone else, so here is my working router for a multi page application. The first one is a simple page with tiles and the second one is a Master/Detail view.

routes : [
        pattern : "",
        name: "launchpad",
        view: "Launchpad",
        targetControl: "masterView"
        pattern : "split",
        name: "app",
        view: "App",
        targetControl: "masterView",
        subroutes : [
                pattern : "master",
                name : "main",
                // placed in master masterPages aggregation of splitapp
                view : "Master",
                targetAggregation : "masterPages",
                targetControl : "idAppControl",
                // places detail in detailPages aggreg. of the splitapp
                subroutes : [
                        // product context is expected
                        // and which tab should be selected (supplier/category)
                        pattern : "{product}/:tab:",
                        name : "product",
                        view : "Detail",
                        targetAggregation :  "detailPages"
    // catchall routes, to show not found message, when route is not valid
        name : "catchallMaster",
        view : "Master",
        targetAggregation : "masterPages",
        targetControl : "idAppControl",
        subroutes : [
                pattern : ":all*:",
                name : "catchallDetail",
                view : "NotFound"
// custom routing is performed in MyRouter.js

Note that the targetControl is set for both routes. masterView is part of the MasterApp that is loaded first.


idAppControl is part of the App.view.xml with <SplitApp id="idAppControl" />. I based my application on the example in the developer guidelines just like you.

Component.js has this:

createContent: function() {
    var viewData = {
    return sap.ui.view({
        viewName: "",
        type: sap.ui.core.mvc.ViewType.XML,
        viewData: viewData


    <SplitApp id="idAppControl" />


routing: {
    config: {
        // custom router class
        routerClass :,
        // xml views
        viewType : "XML",
        // absolute path to views
        viewPath : "",
        // unless stated otherwise, router places view in detail part
        targetAggregation : "pages",
        // don't clear the detail pages before views are added
        clearTarget : false

When looking at your router, I would say you have problems with the order of the pages. And as general advise, I would like to say that navTo takes the parameter "name" of the routes, not view or pattern. Took me some time to learn that.

Kind regards,


Felix Bockemuehl
Author by

Felix Bockemuehl

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Felix Bockemuehl
    Felix Bockemuehl about 2 years

    first at all, I´m aware that there were similiar asked questions, but none of the answers could solve my problem.

    Short look into my code:

    My Component.js looks like this

    routes: [
                    pattern: "",                //home page
                    name: util.Constants.Tile,
                    view: util.Constants.Tile,
                    viewId: util.Constants.Tile,
                    targetAggregation: "pages"
                    //targetControl: "idAppControl"
                    pattern: "firstExample",
                    name: util.Constants.FirstExample,
                    view: util.Constants.FirstExample,
                    viewId: util.Constants.FirstExample,
                    targetAggregation: "pages",
                    targetControl : "idAppControl",
                    subroutes : [
                            pattern: "firstExample",
                            name: util.Constants.ExampleMaster,
                            view: util.Constants.ExampleMaster,
                            targetAggregation: "masterPages",
                            targetControl: "idSplitContainerControl",
                            pattern: "firstExample/:typeMaster:",
                            name: util.Constants.ExampleSecondMaster,
                            view: util.Constants.ExampleSecondMaster,
                            targetAggregation: "masterPages",
                            targetControl: "idSplitContainerControl",
                            subroutes : [
                                    pattern : "firstExample/:typeDetail:",
                                    name : util.Constants.ExampleDetail,
                                    view : util.Constants.ExampleDetail,
                                    targetAggregation : "detailPages"

    Short explanation: It´s a page with a normal app view (no master view) and a following SplitContainer with two master and one detail view. Whenever I want to call the detail view

    onSelect : function (e) {
        var routeTo = e.getSource().getTitle();
        this.router.navTo(util.Constants.ExampleDetail, { typeDetail : routeTo } );

    it says

    2015-03-30 14:50:06 Control with ID idAppControl could not be found - sap-ui-core-dbg.js:15213

    Any idea? Thanks for your help in advance!

    Links to the similiar topics:

  • Felix Bockemuehl
    Felix Bockemuehl about 9 years
    Thanks for the answer and sorry for the late reply! Do I understand correctly that you use the normal "app view" (name: app) and set a SplitContainer on top of it? And how do you call the detail view in the second subroute? Because no matter how many master views I have, they all work fine, only the detail view in the subroute throws the error message.
  • Felix Bockemuehl
    Felix Bockemuehl about 9 years
    I deleted everything from the project that wasn´t necessary and tried to keep only the very basic stuff, maybe that makes it a bit easier to look over It´s probably a very simple and stupid mistake I make but I honestly do not get what!
  • Michael K.
    Michael K. about 9 years
    You don't need the rootView: "view.App"`` in the Component.js when you have a createContent function in there. In the config you use targetAggregation : "detailPages"`, I added my config above. I have no idea what UI5 does with the targetAggregation, which is a pretty odd term in itself. But mine is always plural. detailPages, masterPages, pages. I can't get your app running, are you using Node or is it stand-alone for you?
  • Felix Bockemuehl
    Felix Bockemuehl about 9 years
    Oh sorry, I didn´t include the sapui5 resource pack and just linked the sap-ui-core.js hosted on netweaver.ondemand, thought that would´ve been enough... anyway, I found my mistake. You were right with your config, I included a targetControl into it which caused the "control with ID idAppControl could not be found" error. A pretty stupid and avoidable mistake! Thanks a lot for your help! :)
  • Michael K.
    Michael K. almost 9 years
    I uploaded it. You can find the files here, but I didn't test it again, therefore I'm not sure it will work with current UI5 releases.