Saving multiple documents with Mongoose and doing something when last one is saved


Solution 1

A useful library to coordinate asynchronous operations is async. In your case, the code would look something like this:

var people = [ person1, person2, person3, person4, ... ];

async.eachSeries(people, function(person, asyncdone) {;
}, function(err) {
  if (err) return console.log(err);
  done(); // or `done(err)` if you want the pass the error up

Solution 2

Using promises and

const userPromises = => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {, result) => {
      if (error) {

Promise.all(userPromises).then((results) => {
  //results = [first, second, etc...]
}, (error) => {

Solution 3

I would recommend to have an array and save with iteration. Will have same performance but code would be cleaner.

You can have

var Person = mongoose.model('Person');
var people = [];

people[0] = new Person({id: 'someid'});
people[0].set('name', 'Mario');
people[1] = new Person({id: 'someid'});
people[1].set('name', 'Mario');
people[2] = new Person({id: 'someid'});
people[2].set('name', 'Mario');

var errors = [];
for(person in people){
 people[person].save(function(err, done){
  if(err) errors.push(err);
  if (person === people.length){ yourCallbackFunction(errors){
    if (errors.length!=0) console.log(errors);
    //yourcode here
Author by


Aspiring computer nerd.

Updated on June 16, 2022


  • CodyBugstein
    CodyBugstein about 2 years

    I want to save 8 objects to a MongoDB database using Mongoose. When the last document is saved, I want to report (i.e. send an event) that all documents have been saved.

    The way I'm doing it now is quite messy (especially for increasingly larger amounts of documents I want to save).

    This is how I have it now (just for 4 people for this example). Is there a cleaner way you can recommend?, result){
        if (err) console.log(err);
  , result){
                if (err) console.log(err);
          , result){
                        if (err) console.log(err);
                  , result){
                                if (err) console.log(err);
  • robertklep
    robertklep almost 9 years
    There's a slight difference though: your code saves the documents concurrently, whereas the original example saved the documents sequentially.
  • robertklep
    robertklep almost 9 years
    This will call the callback when an X amount of save operations are started, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they have all finished. Also, why not just use Array#forEach?
  • aaronmarruk
    aaronmarruk almost 9 years
    Please see my updated answer regarding operations finishing.
  • aaronmarruk
    aaronmarruk almost 9 years
    To answer your question regarding Underscore, I prefer the convenience and simplicity / readability of the underscore.each method, compared to plain javascript loops.
  • robertklep
    robertklep almost 9 years
    I don't see a whole lot of difference between _.each(array, fn) and array.forEach(fn) myself (I actually find the second more readable)
  • Paweł Smołka
    Paweł Smołka almost 9 years
    This sollution needs additional library wich makes app more heavy. Still its good sollution. I give +
  • Paweł Smołka
    Paweł Smołka almost 9 years
    In request description author did not mention this sequence is important but I update my ans to find if all are done well.
  • CodyBugstein
    CodyBugstein almost 9 years
    @PawełSmołka I suppose it doesn't matter if it is saved concurrently, I just want to know when the last one is saved
  • Dan Sabin
    Dan Sabin almost 9 years
    The post above does not guarantee that save() has worked for all cases as mentioned in the first comment.
  • Dan Sabin
    Dan Sabin almost 9 years
    This will fire when the last person is saved and finished, but does not take into account whether all the people have actually finished saving. Only async will properly count all the saves have finished.
  • Dan Sabin
    Dan Sabin almost 9 years
    The async library is not a major addition. Also since this is server side the value of async vs. it's small footprint does not really have an adverse affect on the code.
  • Dan Sabin
    Dan Sabin almost 9 years
    the save callback can happen later in time. You could go through and call save for all of them and think hasError = false and i === length, but then the save callback finally returns (say 100ms later) and you've already said nothing bad happened. I'm working on a code sample right now.
  • aaronmarruk
    aaronmarruk almost 9 years
    ok thanks for the response, I kind of came to the same conclusion myself. I will definitely use .done() or similar in the future.
  • Dan Sabin
    Dan Sabin almost 9 years
    In case anyone is curious: Consider using 'async' instead, like the leading answer recommends.
  • Dan Sabin
    Dan Sabin almost 9 years
    For something like this you actually want to use parallel.
  • robertklep
    robertklep almost 9 years
    @DanSabin the initial question showed a sequential workflow, which I copied using async, but I would use parallel as well (or perhaps eachLimit)
  • Paweł Smołka
    Paweł Smołka almost 9 years
    Thanks for that tip, removed else and should be fine now.
  • Luzan Baral
    Luzan Baral over 6 years
    Where do I implement this code? I tried by pasting this on my controller. And it gave me is not a function
  • robertklep
    robertklep over 6 years
    @LuzanBaral really depends on the rest of your setup (for instance, "controllers" suggests that you're using some sort of framework).
  • Luzan Baral
    Luzan Baral over 6 years
    I am using NodeJS Express App
  • robertklep
    robertklep over 6 years
    @LuzanBaral Express doesn't have controllers per se, and it also doesn't come with Mongoose support out of the box (meaning that you need to add both yourself). This particular code is specific to Mongoose.
  • Luzan Baral
    Luzan Baral over 6 years
    @robertklep Can you please checkout this gist I hope this clears out my issue.
  • robertklep
    robertklep over 6 years
    @LuzanBaral looks like you mean, not
  • robertklep
    robertklep over 6 years
    @LuzanBaral I'll add my comments to the Gist instead of here.