SCons libraries and sub-libraries


Solution 1

You should allow the shared libraries to be found by the build.

Look for the LIBPATH and RPATH variables in the SCons documentation; these are the "Scons-y" way to set up search paths so that any generated -l options find libraries properly.

Having mentioned the above, here's what you should see gcc do based on the setup of SCons (and if it doesn't, you may have to do it manually).

The -l option always finds shared libraries provided that you also give the compiler the location of the library. There are two times this is needed: at compile time (-L option) and at runtime (-rpath generated linker option).

The LIBPATH SCons setup should generate something that looks like -L/some/directory/path for the compile-time search path.

The RPATH SCons setup should generate a linker option to embed a search path; e.g. -Wl,-rpath -Wl,\$ORIGIN/../lib would embed a search path that searches relative to the executable so that executables placed in bin search in the parallel lib directory of the installation.

Solution 2

Here is a better way to organize your SConsctruct/SConscript files. Usually with Hierarchical builds you should share the env with the rest of the sub-directories. Notice that I cloned the main env in the barexec directory as well, so that the foolib is only used to link that binary.

=== rootdir/SConstruct

import os


subdirs = [

# The exports attribute allows you to pass variables to the subdir SConscripts
for dir in subdirs:
    SConscript( os.path.join(dir, 'SConscript'), exports = ['env'])

=== rootdir/foolib/SConscript

# inports the env created in the root SConstruct
# Any changes made to 'env' here will be reflected in
# the root/SConstruct and in the barexec/SConscript

# Adding this 'inc' dir to the include path for all users of this 'env'

penv = env.Clone()
# Adding this include only for targets built with penv
penv.SharedLibrary( 'foo', source=['foo.c', 'morefoo.c'])

=== rootdir/barexec/SConscript


clonedEnv = env.Clone()

# The foo lib will only be used for targets compiled with the clonedEnv env
# Notice that specifying '#' in a path means relative to the root SConstruct
# for each [item] in LIBS, you will get -llib on the compilation line
# for each [item] in LIBPATH, you will get -Lpath on the compilation line
clonedEnv.Append(LIBS=['foo'], LIBPATH=['#foolib'])

clonedEnv.Program( 'bar', source=['main.c', 'bar.c', 'rod.c'] )

Solution 3

Additional to Brady decision i use static/global variables to store targets name and path. It's allow me more control over build.

# site_scons/
class Project:
  APP1_NAME = "app1_name"
  APP2_NAME = "app2_name"
  MYLIB1_NAME = "mylib1_name"
  # etc
  APP_PATH = "#build/$BuildMode/bin" # BuildMode - commonly in my projects debug or release, `#` - root of project dir
  LIB_PATH = "#build/$BuildMode/lib"
  def appPath(name) :
     return os.path.join(APP_PATH, name)
  def libPath(name) :
     return os.path.join(LIB_PATH, name)

Define targets:

from project import Project
env.SharedLibrary(Project.libPath(Project.MYLIB1_NAME), source=['foo.c', 'morefoo.c'])


from project import Project
env.Append(LIBPATH = [Project.LIB_PATH])
env.Append(LIBS = [Project.MYLIB1_NAME])
env.Program(Project.appPath(Project.MYAPP1_NAME), source=[...])

In my projects it works fine, scons automatically find depends of library without any additional commands. And if i want to change name of library i just change my Project class.

Ted Middleton
Author by

Ted Middleton

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Ted Middleton
    Ted Middleton about 2 years

    I have a hierarchical build system based on SCons. I have a root SConstruct that calls into a SConscript that builds a shared library and then into a different SConscript that builds an executable that depends on the shared library.

    So here's my question: my understanding of shared libraries on linux is that when you want to do the final ld link for the executable that will be using the shared lib, the shared lib has to be included on the executable's ld command line as a source to reference it (unless it's in a standard location in which case the -l option works).

    So here's something like what my SCons files look like:

    === rootdir/SConstruct

    shared_lib = SConscript('foolib/SConscript')
    env.Append( LIBS=[shared_lib] )
    executable = SConscript('barexec/SConscript')

    === rootdir/foolib/SConscript

    penv = env.Clone()
    lib = penv.SharedLibrary( 'foo', source=['foo.c', 'morefoo.c']

    === rootdir/barexec/SConscript

    exe = env.Program( 'bar', source=['main.c', 'bar.c', 'rod.c'] )

    So the hitch here is this line:

    env.Append( LIBS=[shared_lib] )

    This would be a great way to add generated libraries to the command line for any other libs that need them, EXCEPT that because SCons is doing a two-pass run through the SConscripts (first to generate it's dependency tree, then to do the work), rootdir/foolib/ winds up on the command line for ALL products, EVEN itself:

    gcc -g -Wall -Werror -o foo.o morefoo.o

    So how is this best done with SCons? For now I've resorted to this hack:

    === rootdir/SConstruct

    shared_lib = SConscript('foolib/SConscript')
    env['shared_lib'] = shared_lib
    executable = SConscript('barexec/SConscript')


    === rootdir/barexec/SConscript

    exe = env.Program( 'bar', source=['main.c', 'bar.c', 'rod.c'] + env['shared_lib'] )

    Is there a more SCons-y way of doing this?