Scroll div content left right on mouseover


Check out the answer here from StackOverflow - it's a perfect solution:

Continuous scroll on hover [performance]

Ignaty Nikulin
Author by

Ignaty Nikulin

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Ignaty Nikulin
    Ignaty Nikulin almost 2 years

    Good day.

    I need script that will follow the mouse and will scroll content depending on what side mouse is. If left then left, if right then right.

    I need it for cases when line of hrefs will exceed width of block, like here

    If the width is exceed then you will be able to scroll it when you put your mouse to right.

    Something that will do that:

    I tried that script, but the problem with it is that it needs to rely on some width that I don't have.

    Any plugin or ideas suggestion?

    Thank you!