Searching for a Lazy Loading jQuery Slideshow or: hacking cross-slide


Solution 1

For others looking for a slideshow that "lazyloads" images, here are 2 options:

Solution 2

try jcarousel, it's lovley (lazyloading possible ..)

Author by


ruby, rails, osx, mongodb, unix. trying to get my head around cocoa developing. pro web developer and technology researcher.

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • z3cko
    z3cko about 2 years

    I am trying to get a jquery slideshow to display images from flickr, fading and scrolling. Everything works fine, except I really need Lazy Loading of the images (just loading the images on demand).

    I am currently using jquery.cross-slide ( ) but unfortunately tobia is not working on the plugin anymore and also does not want to answer to questions.

    I found an example of jquery.cycle, where image lazy loading is applied (see ) is there any chance of hacking this feature into the source of cross-slide or is it not possible due to the architecture of the plugin? see the code here:

  • z3cko
    z3cko over 13 years
    thanks for the pointer, i am trying it out right now. unfortunately it seems like i have to write the transition and scrolling as well as the text-display hook by myself in this case...
  • rémy
    rémy about 13 years
    dunno if it really fits your case, auto-scrolling is there, animation is just the move and text-display not implemented there .. but its a nice jQplugin .. ;)
  • z3cko
    z3cko almost 13 years
    thanks for the great pointer! unfortunately i need the scrolling from cross-slide, which seems to be not available in Really Simple™ Slideshow