Section wise Variable Accessing from Config File


Solution 1

You can create a shell function like this:

  while read line
    [[ $found == false && "$line" != "[$section]" ]] &&  continue
    [[ $found == true && "${line:0:1}" = '[' ]] && break
    echo "$line"

You can then use printSection like a command, and pass in the section as a parameter like:

printSection APP2

To get your parameter, you can use a much simpler sed now, like:

printSection APP2 | sed -n 's/^name=//p'

This will be operating on stdin and writing to stdout. So if your example config file were called named /etc/application.conf, and you wanted to store the name of APP2 in a variable app2name, you could write this:

app2name=$(printSection APP2 | sed -n 's/^name//p/' < /etc/applications.conf)

Or, you could build the parameter part into the function and skip sed altogether, like this:

  while read line
    [[ $found == false && "$line" != "[$section]" ]] &&  continue
    [[ $found == true && "${line:0:1}" = '[' ]] && break
    [[ "${line%=*}" == "$param" ]] && { echo "${line#*=}"; break; }

Then you would assign your var like this:

app2name=$(printValue APP2 name < /etc/applications.conf)

Solution 2

Parse your configuration into an unambiguous format, then read it into an associative array in a recent release of bash:

awk '/^\[/ { app=substr($0,2,length-2) } /=/ { print app "." $0 }' file.conf

This finds all section headers and sets the awk variable app to the contents of these. It then prefixes each following line with that value followed by a dot.

This would create output like

If your APP2 lacked a name subsection, the line would not show up.

Then read this into an associative array in bash:

declare -A conf
while IFS='=' read -r key value; do
done < <(awk '/^\[/ { app=substr($0,2,length-2) } /=/ { print app "." $0 }' file.conf)

You may now query the conf variable for your configuration:

printf 'The stopScript for APPN is "%s"\n' "${conf[APPN.stopScript]}"

This will return

The stopScript for APPN is "/home/"

Querying a non-existing value will yield an empty string.

The awk command could also be replace by the following sed command:

sed -n \
    -e '/^\[/{s/[][]//g;h;}' \
    -e '/=/{H;g;s/\n/./;p;s/\..*//;h;}' file.conf

Expanded and annotated:

/^\[/{          # handle section headers
    s/[][]//g;  # remove [ and ]
    h;          # put into the hold-space

/=/{            # handle settings
    H;          # append the line to the hold-space with newline as delimiter
    g;          # get the hold-space
    s/\n/./;    # replace the newline with a dot
    p;          # output
    s/\..*//;   # remove everything after the dot
    h;          # put back into the hold-space

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Thang Pham
Author by

Thang Pham

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Thang Pham
    Thang Pham over 1 year

    when I draw chart using jqplot, both end point of the chart does not show label, and I am not sure why. Please help enter image description here

    Here is my code (self-contained code, with all resources loaded)

        <input id="dashboardForm:j_idt49:4:hiddenChartData" type="text" name="dashboardForm:j_idt49:4:hiddenChartData" value="{&quot;data&quot;:[[843,1312,745,683,832,829,772,740,792,672,550,323]],&quot;dateFull&quot;:[[1,&quot;01/06&quot;],[2,&quot;02/06&quot;],[3,&quot;03/06&quot;],[4,&quot;04/06&quot;],[5,&quot;05/06&quot;],[6,&quot;06/06&quot;],[7,&quot;07/06&quot;],[8,&quot;08/06&quot;],[9,&quot;09/06&quot;],[10,&quot;10/06&quot;],[11,&quot;11/06&quot;],[12,&quot;12/06&quot;]],&quot;tick&quot;:[[1,&quot;01/06&quot;],[2,&quot;02/06&quot;],[3,&quot;03/06&quot;],[4,&quot;04/06&quot;],[5,&quot;05/06&quot;],[6,&quot;06/06&quot;],[7,&quot;07/06&quot;],[8,&quot;08/06&quot;],[9,&quot;09/06&quot;],[10,&quot;10/06&quot;],[11,&quot;11/06&quot;],[12,&quot;12/06&quot;]]}" class="soluongdonhangngay170" style="display:none;"> 
        <div style="height: 550px" class="soluongdonhangngay170170" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>    
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>   
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>   
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>    
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>    
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>    
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>    
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 
        var labels = ["Đơn Hàng Theo Ngày"];
      displayLineChartWithToggleLegend($(".soluongdonhangngay170").val(),$(".soluongdonhangngay170170"), labels, "Số Lượng Đơn Hàng Ngày");
    function displayLineChartWithToggleLegend(data, target, label, chartTitle){
        if(data === "") return;
        var chartJsonData = $.parseJSON(data);
        var dataPlot =;
        var ticks = chartJsonData.tick;
        var showPointLabel = true;
        if( > 4){
            showPointLabel = false;
        target.jqplot(dataPlot, {
            title: chartTitle,
            animate: true,
            axesDefaults: {
                labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer
            seriesDefaults: {
                showMarker: true
            legend: {
                show: true,
                renderer: $.jqplot.EnhancedLegendRenderer,
                placement: "outsideGrid",
                labels: label,
                location: "ne",
                rowSpacing: "5px",
                rendererOptions: {
                    // set to true to replot when toggling series on/off
                    // set to an options object to pass in replot options.
                    seriesToggle: 'normal',
                    seriesToggleReplot: {resetAxes: true}
            axes: {
                xaxis: {
                    label: 'Date',
                    ticks: ticks,          
                    tickInterval: 20,
                    tickOptions: {
                        showGridline: false,
                        angle: -60,
                        fontFamily: 'Helvetica',
                        fontSize: '8pt'
            grid: {
                drawBorder: false,
                shadow: false,
                // background: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'  works to make transparent.
                background: "white"
            series: [
                    pointLabels: {
                        show: showPointLabel
                    rendererOptions: {
                        // speed up the animation a little bit.
                        // This is a number of milliseconds.
                        // Default for a line series is 2500.
                        animation: {
                            speed: 2000
                        smooth: true
        target.bind('jqplotDataMouseOver', function(ev, seriesIndex, pointIndex, data) {
            var idx = seriesIndex;
            var dateFull = chartJsonData.dateFull;
            $(this).find(".jqplot-title").html(dateFull[data[0] - 1][1] + " - " + data[1]);
        target.bind('jqplotDataUnhighlight', function(ev, seriesIndex, pointIndex, data) {
    • shramee
      shramee almost 7 years
      Can u do a fiddle or codepen?
    • Thang Pham
      Thang Pham almost 7 years
      @shramee: I cannot seem to get it to work on jsfiddle (as my resources are not https). However, I edit my post, putting code in self-contained form. You can just copy it to a a.html, and run it. Thank you
  • Thang Pham
    Thang Pham almost 7 years
    This is the answer. Thank you very much.