sed replace unix path with variable that contain another unix path


Solution 1

You need to escape special characters:

echo /some/path/file.txt | sed -e 's/\/some\/path\/file.txt/'$another_unix_path'/g'

Which outputs this result:


Solution 2

Escaping special char / is an option.

You can also change the default sed separator (which is /) by using ? for example :

echo /some/path/file.txt | sed -e 's?/some/path/file.txt?'$another_unix_path'?g'

The char used just after the s flag defines which separator will be used : s?

Edit :

sed -i 's?# set $IMAGE_ROOT /var/www/magento2;? set $IMAGE_ROOT '$basepath$baseurl';?g' somefile.txt

Solution 3

If you use / for separators, then you'll have to escape every / in your path, ex sed 's/\/some\/path/'$replacement'/g'

Fortunately sed - like Perl - allows many characters to be used as separators, so you can also write sed 's#/some/path#'$replacement'#g' (the g flag is used to allow replacing multiple occurrences per line).

Also sed will not allow in-place replacement if you run it on a file, meaning you will have to write to a temp file and move it over. Update: actually, Gnu's sed does have an in-place option which work like Perl's: -i or -i.ext where .ext is the backup extension. Perl may be preferable for portability though.

For in-place replacement you can use Perl as such:

# In-place without backup:
perl -pi -e 's#/some/path#'$replacement'#g' <file>

# In-place with backup as .orig (note .orig is glued to the -i switch):
perl -pi.orig -e 's#/some/path#'$replacement'#g' <file>

Be careful with the 2nd command, as if you enter it twice you will overwrite your first backup!


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • vasek
    vasek over 1 year

    I need to replace Unix path via sed with variable that contain another unix path in a bash script


    sed -i 's/ \/some\/path\/file.txt/ '$another_unix_path'/g' some_file.txt
    • EEAA
      EEAA almost 9 years
      What work have you done on this so far? Please provide examples you've tried, and how they didn't end up working for you.
    • mcdave
      mcdave almost 9 years
      Duplicate of Stack Overflow question.
  • krisFR
    krisFR almost 9 years
    @user289782 See my edit