Select with (nolock)


Nolocks should be used with extreme caution. The most common understanding of nolock (read uncommitted) hint is that it reads data that has not been committed yet. However, there are other side effects that can be very dangerous. (search for "nolock" and "page splits")

There's a really good write up here...

In short, "nolocking"ing everything is not always a good idea... if ever.

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Updated on June 29, 2022


  • Jainendra
    Jainendra almost 2 years

    My boss keeps on forcing me to write SELECT queries with with (nolock) to prevent deadlocks. But AFAIK, Select statements by default does not have locks, so selecting with with (nolock) and selecting without doesn't make any difference. Please correct me if I am wrong.

    The two queries:

    SELECT * from EMP with (nolock)
    SELECT * from EMP 

    Isn't both are same. If I don't put nolock will it be prone to deadlocks? Please tell me what should I use.

    • Bharadwaj
      Bharadwaj about 10 years
    • Mitch Wheat
      Mitch Wheat about 10 years
      It depends. In a high insertion situation, using with(nolock) could read incorrect data (not just stale data).… FIX the actual problem, not the symptoms. If all you are doing is running too wide (select *), too large (no WHERE clause) queries in SSMS to inspect data (as your example above), then YES, use with(nolock)
    • Alex
      Alex about 10 years
      Here is another good question on the subject…
    • M.Ali
      M.Ali about 10 years
      It is incorrect to say SELECT query doesnt do any locking, Under default transaction isolation level i.e READ COMMITTED Select queries does obtain Shared Locks on the resources. when used NOLOCK query hint it would not take any locks at all. And as Mitch has mentioned when No locks are being obtained your query is open for dirty reads (Uncommitted data).
    • Janne Matikainen
      Janne Matikainen about 10 years
      I recommend reading this article about locks and deadlocks in sql server