selecting duplicate IDs in mysql


Solution 1

select part_id from temp
group by part_id
having count(*) > 1

This will give you the part_id's with more than one row. You can then wrap that like your example query to get all of the part_id/part_type data for all parts with more than one row.

select * from temp
where part_id in (select part_id from temp
                  group by part_id
                  having count(*) > 1)
order by part_id

Solution 2

I love GROUP_CONCAT for this stuff, because it gives you the answer to this question (how many) and the next question (which types).

select part_type, count(*), group_concat(part_id)
from temp
group by 1
having count(*) > 1;

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Updated on April 18, 2020


  • julio
    julio about 4 years

    I have a very simple table that has just part_id and part_type:

    CREATE TABLE `temp` (
    `part_id` INT NOT NULL ,
    `part_type` CHAR( 5 ) NOT NULL

    This has a long list of part id's and types. However, some parts have more than one type. How would I get the IDs of just the parts that have more than one type? I was thinking something like this would work:

    SELECT * FROM temp WHERE part_in IN (SELECT count(part_id) as duplicates FROM temp WHERE 1 GROUP BY part_id) AND duplicates > 1

    however, this is clearly just psuedocode and fails. Thanks for your help.

  • thomas
    thomas about 13 years
    in addition: if you are also interested in the count-value (it's nearly for free for the db) you can modify the select to the following: select part_id, count(*) as mycount from temp ...
  • ThinkCode
    ThinkCode about 11 years
    This gives a different set of data than the OP asked for but yeah, this is an imp query to find duplicates concatenated in one row with one query!
  • emmanuel honore
    emmanuel honore over 8 years
    What is GROUP BY 1?
  • Alain Collins
    Alain Collins over 8 years
    "group by 1" is a shortcut to the first field, so identical to "group by part_type" in this case.