Semantic UI (React): How to use Link components in Menu.List elements


Solution 1

You need use the SUIR's augmentation:

<Menu.Item as={ Link } name='profile' to='profile'>
  <Icon name='user' />
  My profile

Solution 2

Use browserHistory.push instead ; It was provided also by react-router as an alternative of Link but non-markup :

import {browserHistory} from 'react-router';

redirect(to) {
       pathname: to
<Menu.Item name="profile" onClick={this.redirect('/profile')}
    <Icon name='user' />
    My profile

If you want to get /profile from name props , change the line by :

<Menu.Item name="profile" onClick={(event, itemProps) => this.redirect(}

And if so , <Menu onItemClick={...} > is better than <Menu.item onClick={...} >

Author by


People who say nothing is impossible should try gargling with their mouths closed.

Updated on October 04, 2020


  • user3142695
    user3142695 over 3 years

    I'm trying to get a semantic ui (react) menu list, which should be working with react router, which means I would like to use the Link component of react router

    If I use this...

    <Menu.Item name='profile'>
        <Icon name='user' />
        My profile
 gives me the result:

    <a class="item">
        <i aria-hidden="true" class="user icon"></i>
        My profile

    But I would like to get something like

    <Link to='profile'>
        <i aria-hidden="true" class="user icon"></i>
        My profile

    This one doesn't work, as the syntax is wrong:

    <Menu.Item name='profile' as={ <Link to='profile' /> }>
        <Icon name='user' />
        My profile