Send image over http python


Solution 1

Ended up like:

while True:
# Wait for client connections
client_connection, client_address = server_socket.accept()

# Handle client request
request = client_connection.recv(10240).decode()
content = handle_request(request)

# Send HTTP response
if content:
    if str(content).find("html") > 0:
        client_connection.send('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n\n'.encode())
        client_connection.send('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'.encode())
        client_connection.send("Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n".encode())
        client_connection.send("Accept-Ranges: bytes\r\n\r\n".encode())
    response = 'HTTP/1.1 404 NOT FOUND\r\nFile Not Found'


And the Get method like:

class HTTPHandler:

def get(self, args, type):
    if args == '/':
        args = '/index.html'
        fin = open('htdocs' + args)
    if type != "image":
        fin = open('htdocs/' + args)

    if type.find("html") == -1:
        image_data = open('htdocs/' + args, 'rb')
        bytes =

        # Content-Type: image/jpeg, image/png \n\n
        content = bytes
        return content

    # Read file contents
    content =
    return content

Solution 2

I don't know where you've learnt how HTTP works but I'm pretty sure that you did not study the actual standard which you should do when implementing a protocol. Some notes about your implementation:

  • Line ends should be \r\n not \n. This is true for both responses from the server as requests from the client.
  • You are assuming that the clients requests is never larger than 1024 bytes and that it can be read within a single recv. But, requests can have arbitrary length and there is no guarantee that you get all within a single recv (TCP is a streaming protocol and not a message protocol).
  • While it is kind of ok to simply close the TCP connection after the body it would be better to include the length of the body in the Content-length header or use chunked transfer encoding.
  • The type of the content should be given by using the Content-Type header, i.e. Content-type: text/html for HTML and Content-type: image/jpeg for JPEG images. Without this browser might guess correctly or wrongly what the type might be or depending on the context might also insist on a proper content-type header.

Apart from that, if you debug such problems it is helpful to find out what gets actually exchanged between client and server. It might be that you've checked this for yourself but you did not include such information into your question. Your only error description is "...I recive the call but cannot preset the png/JPEG in the page" and then a dump of your code.

Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Filipe
    Filipe almost 2 years

    I need to build a http server without using an HTTP library.

    I have the server running and an html page beeing loaded but my <img src="..."/> tags are not beeing loaded, I recive the call but cannot preset the png/JPEG in the page.

    # Define socket host and port
    SERVER_HOST = ''
    SERVER_PORT = 8000
    # Create socket
    server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    server_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
    server_socket.bind((SERVER_HOST, SERVER_PORT))
    print('Listening on port %s ...' % SERVER_PORT)
    while True:
        # Wait for client connections
        client_connection, client_address = server_socket.accept()
        # Handle client request
        request = client_connection.recv(1024).decode()
        content = handle_request(request)
        # Send HTTP response
        if content:
            response = 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n\n'
            response += content
            response = 'HTTP/1.1 404 NOT FOUND\n\nFile Not Found'
    # Close socket

    Function where handles the call

     def handle_request(request):
        http = HttpHandler.HTTPHandler
        # Parse headers
        headers = request.split('\n')
        get_content = headers[0].split()
        accept = headers[6].split()
        type_content = accept[1].split('/')
            # Filename
            filename = get_content[1]
            if get_content[0] == "GET":
                content = http.get(None, get_content[1], type_content[0])
            return content
        except FileNotFoundError:
            return None

    class to handle the http verbs

    class HTTPHandler:
        def get(self, args, type):
            if args == '/':
                args = '/index.html'
                fin = open('htdocs' + args)
            if type != "image":
                fin = open('htdocs/' + args)
            if type == "image":
                fin = open('htdocs/' + args, 'rb')
            # Read file contents
            content =
            return content

    Realize that I´m trying to make an HTTP 1.1, if you see anything out of pattern fell free to say thanks in advance.

  • Filipe
    Filipe almost 6 years
    Thanks for the help with the standard, the problem was that I was sending the bytes as a string (in the concatenation), and not as bytes.
  • walkman
    walkman almost 4 years
    IPS - CD does it say something? Thanks from the future!