Send javamail using Office365


Solution 1

Use Office365 smtp details as below:

private static Properties props;  
private static Session session;   
static {      
  props = new Properties();
  props.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "true");
  props.put("mail.smtp.port", "587");
  props.put("", "");
  props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");        
  session = Session.getInstance(props, new Authenticator() {          
      protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
          return new PasswordAuthentication("office365 email address",
                  "office365 password");          


Solution 2

And with spring-boot, you simply need to add this to your =
spring.mail.username = [email protected]
spring.mail.password = s3cr3t
spring.mail.port = 587 = true = true

Solution 3

A working code example:

Email email = new SimpleEmail();

email.setAuthenticator(new DefaultAuthenticator("[email protected]", "****"));
try {
    email.setFrom("[email protected]");
    email.setSubject("Job Failure");
    email.setMsg("This is a test mail ... :-)" );
    email.addTo("[email protected]");
} catch (EmailException e) {
Author by


I know what dude I am. I'm the dude playin' the dude, disguised as another dude.

Updated on August 07, 2020


  • Will
    Will over 3 years

    I'm having trouble configuring the SMTP settings for sending mail using javax.mail (1.4.4) through Office365, so I thought I'd post the properties here for others.

  • Bilbo Baggins
    Bilbo Baggins almost 10 years
    The problem I am facing is my thread got stuck before sending mail, I tried many solutions from internet non of them worked, I don't get any exception too. I am unable to send mail, it would be helpful if you share your knowledge.. :) thanks
  • Glorfindel
    Glorfindel over 8 years
    For me, this only worked after I changed 587 to "587". Otherwise, JavaMail tried to connect over port 25.
  • JBert
    JBert over 8 years
    It would be better if the code in this answer were to use setProperty(String, String), this way you don't run into the problem @Glorfindel describes. Also, the Authenticator is not necessary if you use transport.sendMessage(...) on a Transport instance for which you called connect(server, user, password) first.
  • JBert
    JBert over 8 years
    You might want to specify that this uses commons-email.
  • Emman Sun
    Emman Sun about 7 years
    I'm also facing thread stuck issue: DEBUG SMTP: trying to connect to host "", port 587, isSSL false
  • drvlas
    drvlas over 6 years
    @JBert : how can we create an instance transport of the abstract class Transport? Should we create a new child class?I have an issue with (Unknown server) and I'd like to separate connection and authentification from sending - as a debug. So your proposition to call connect() is interesting for me. Thanks!
  • Dordoka Maisu
    Dordoka Maisu over 4 years
    @Glorfindel Thank you so so much! This fixed my thread stuck issue. How the hell can this happen?