Sending http headers with python


The response header should include a response code indicating success. Before the Content-Type line, add:

client.send('HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n')

Also, to make the test more visible, put some content in the page:

client.send('<html><body><h1>Hello World</body></html>')

After the response is sent, close the connection with:




As the other posters have noted, terminate each line with \r\n instead of \n.

Will those additions, I was able to run successful test. In the browser, I entered localhost:8080.

Here's all the code:

import socket

sock = socket.socket()
sock.bind(('', 8080))
client, adress = sock.accept()

print "Incoming:", adress
print client.recv(1024)

client.send('HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n')
client.send("Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n")
client.send('<html><body><h1>Hello World</body></html>')

print "Answering ..."
print "Finished."

Niklas R
Author by

Niklas R

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Niklas R
    Niklas R almost 2 years

    I've set up a little script that should feed a client with html.

    import socket
    sock = socket.socket()
    sock.bind(('', 8080))
    client, adress = sock.accept()
    print "Incoming:", adress
    print client.recv(1024)
    client.send("Content-Type: text/html\n\n")
    print "Answering ..."
    print "Finished."
    import os

    But it is shown as plain text in the browser. Can you please tell what I need to do ? I just can't find something in google that helps me..


  • werewindle
    werewindle over 12 years
    ... and don't forget to replace \n\n to \r\n\r\n, since HTTP needs CRLF to be send after headers.
  • dmitry
    dmitry over 12 years
    and better to use '\r\n\r\n' instead of '\n\n'
  • Niklas R
    Niklas R over 12 years
    Wow, thats it. Thank you ! Are there any related documents about the exchange between server and client with the http protocol ?
  • Raymond Hettinger
    Raymond Hettinger over 12 years
    @NiklasR You can start with an overview on wikipedia and then get the details at
  • Gary Gauh
    Gary Gauh about 11 years
    @RaymondHettinger,I was wondering how the browser could recognize the end of http response body without Content-Length in the http response header
  • Raymond Hettinger
    Raymond Hettinger about 11 years
    @GaryGauh Content-Length is necessary if you leave the connection open. But if you close the connection as we do above, the browser can interpret "hanging-up the phone" as the "there is no more content coming".
  • Martin Geisler
    Martin Geisler over 9 years
    Note that webob uses \n to separate lines instead of the correct \r\n. This is #146. Browsers don't seem to care, though, so your solution will work fine in most cases.