Sending UTF-8 values in HTTP headers results in Mojibake


Solution 1

HTTP headers doesn't support UTF-8. They officially support ISO-8859-1 only. See also RFC 2616 section 2:

Words of *TEXT MAY contain characters from character sets other than ISO- 8859-1 [22] only when encoded according to the rules of RFC 2047 [14].

Your best bet is to URL-encode and decode them.

response.setHeader("Info", URLEncoder.encode(arabicWord, "UTF-8"));


String arabicWord = URLDecoder.decode(response.getHeader("Info"), "UTF-8");

URL-encoding will transform them into %nn format which is perfectly valid ISO-8859-1. Note that the data sent in the headers may have size limitations. Rather send it in the response body instead, in plain text, JSON, CSV or XML format. Using custom HTTP headers this way is namely a design smell.

Solution 2

I don't know where word variable is comming from, but try this:

arabicWord = new String(d, "UTF-8");

UPDATE: Looks like the problem is with UTF-8 encoded data in HTTP headers, see: HTTP headers encoding/decoding in Java for detailed discussion.

Author by


Updated on July 15, 2020


  • Totti
    Totti almost 4 years

    i want to send arabic data from servlet using HTTPServletResponse to client

    i am trying this

    response.setHeader("Info", arabicWord);

    and i receive the word like this

    String arabicWord = response.getHeader("Info");

    in client(receiving) also tried this

    byte[]d = response.getHeader("Info").getBytes("UTF-8");
    arabicWord = new String(d);

    but seems like there is no unicode because i receive strange english words,so please how can i send and receive arabic utf8 words?

  • mehov
    mehov over 6 years
    I needed to pass a UTF-8 string from PHP to Javascript via regular HTTP headers and url-encoding helped, thanks!