Service vs IntentService in the Android platform


Solution 1

Tejas Lagvankar wrote a nice post about this subject. Below are some key differences between Service and IntentService.

When to use?

  • The Service can be used in tasks with no UI, but shouldn't be too long. If you need to perform long tasks, you must use threads within Service.

  • The IntentService can be used in long tasks usually with no communication to Main Thread. If communication is required, can use Main Thread handler or broadcast intents. Another case of use is when callbacks are needed (Intent triggered tasks).

How to trigger?

  • The Service is triggered by calling method startService().

  • The IntentService is triggered using an Intent, it spawns a new worker thread and the method onHandleIntent() is called on this thread.

Triggered From

  • The Service and IntentService may be triggered from any thread, activity or other application component.

Runs On

  • The Service runs in background but it runs on the Main Thread of the application.

  • The IntentService runs on a separate worker thread.

Limitations / Drawbacks

  • The Service may block the Main Thread of the application.

  • The IntentService cannot run tasks in parallel. Hence all the consecutive intents will go into the message queue for the worker thread and will execute sequentially.

When to stop?

  • If you implement a Service, it is your responsibility to stop the service when its work is done, by calling stopSelf() or stopService(). (If you only want to provide binding, you don't need to implement this method).

  • The IntentService stops the service after all start requests have been handled, so you never have to call stopSelf().

Solution 2

If someone can show me an example of something that can be done with an IntentService and can not be done with a Service and the other way around.

By definition, that is impossible. IntentService is a subclass of Service, written in Java. Hence, anything an IntentService does, a Service could do, by including the relevant bits of code that IntentService uses.

Starting a service with its own thread is like starting an IntentService. Is it not?

The three primary features of an IntentService are:

  • the background thread

  • the automatic queuing of Intents delivered to onStartCommand(), so if one Intent is being processed by onHandleIntent() on the background thread, other commands queue up waiting their turn

  • the automatic shutdown of the IntentService, via a call to stopSelf(), once the queue is empty

Any and all of that could be implemented by a Service without extending IntentService.

Solution 3


  • Invoke by startService()
  • Triggered from any Thread
  • Runs on Main Thread
  • May block main (UI) thread. Always use thread within service for long task
  • Once task has done, it is our responsibility to stop service by calling stopSelf() or stopService()


  • It performs long task usually no communication with main thread if communication is needed then it is done by Handler or BroadcastReceiver
  • Invoke via Intent
  • Triggered from Main Thread
  • Runs on the separate thread
  • Can't run the task in parallel and multiple intents are Queued on the same worker thread.

Solution 4

Don't reinvent the wheel

IntentService extends Service class which clearly means that IntentService is intentionally made for same purpose.

So what is the purpose ?

`IntentService's purpose is to make our job easier to run background tasks without even worrying about

  • Creation of worker thread

  • Queuing the processing multiple-request one by one (Threading)

  • Destroying the Service

So NO, Service can do any task which an IntentService would do. If your requirements fall under the above-mentioned criteria, then you don't have to write those logics in the Service class. So don't reinvent the wheel because IntentService is the invented wheel.

The "Main" difference

The Service runs on the UI thread while an IntentService runs on a separate thread

When do you use IntentService?

When you want to perform multiple background tasks one by one which exists beyond the scope of an Activity then the IntentService is perfect.

How IntentService is made from Service

A normal service runs on the UI Thread(Any Android Component type runs on UI thread by default eg Activity, BroadcastReceiver, ContentProvider and Service). If you have to do some work that may take a while to complete then you have to create a thread. In the case of multiple requests, you will have to deal with synchronization. IntentService is given some default implementation which does those tasks for you.
According to developer page

  1. IntentService creates a Worker Thread

  2. IntentService creates a Work Queue which sends request to onHandleIntent() method one by one

  3. When there is no work then IntentService calls stopSelf() method
  4. Provides default implementation for onBind() method which is null
  5. Default implementation for onStartCommand() which sends Intent request to WorkQueue and eventually to onHandleIntent()

Solution 5

Adding points to the accepted answer:

See the usage of IntentService within Android API. eg:

public class SimpleWakefulService extends IntentService {
    public SimpleWakefulService() {

    protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {  ...}

To create an IntentService component for your app, define a class that extends IntentService, and within it, define a method that overrides onHandleIntent().

Also, see the source code of the IntentService, it's constructor and life cycle methods like onStartCommand...

    public int More ...onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
       onStart(intent, startId);
        return mRedelivery ? START_REDELIVER_INTENT : START_NOT_STICKY;

Service together an AsyncTask is one of best approaches for many use cases where the payload is not huge. or just create a class extending IntentSerivce. From Android version 4.0 all network operations should be in background process otherwise the application compile/build fails. separate thread from the UI. The AsyncTask class provides one of the simplest ways to fire off a new task from the UI thread. For more discussion of this topic, see the blog post

from Android developers guide:

IntentService is a base class for Services that handle asynchronous requests (expressed as Intents) on demand. Clients send requests through startService(Intent) calls; the service is started as needed, handles each Intent, in turn, using a worker thread, and stops itself when it runs out of work.

Design pattern used in IntentService

: This "work queue processor" pattern is commonly used to offload tasks from an application's main thread. The IntentService class exists to simplify this pattern and take care of the mechanics. To use it, extend IntentService and implement onHandleIntent(Intent). IntentService will receive the Intents, launch a worker thread, and stop the service as appropriate.

All requests are handled on a single worker thread -- they may take as long as necessary (and will not block the application's main loop), but only one request will be processed at a time.

The IntentService class provides a straightforward structure for running an operation on a single background thread. This allows it to handle long-running operations without affecting your user interface's responsiveness. Also, an IntentService isn't affected by most user interface lifecycle events, so it continues to run in circumstances that would shut down an AsyncTask.

An IntentService has a few limitations:

It can't interact directly with your user interface. To put its results in the UI, you have to send them to an Activity. Work requests run sequentially. If an operation is running in an IntentService, and you send it another request, the request waits until the first operation is finished. An operation running on an IntentService can't be interrupted. However, in most cases

IntentService is the preferred way to simple background operations


Volley Library

There is the library called volley-library for developing android networking applications The source code is available for the public in GitHub.

The android official documentation for Best practices for Background jobs: helps better understand on intent service, thread, handler, service. and also Performing Network Operations

Author by


Updated on July 08, 2022


  • roiberg
    roiberg almost 2 years

    I am seeking an example of something that can be done with an IntentService that cannot be done with a Service (and vice-versa)?

    I also believe that an IntentService runs in a different thread and a Service does not. So, as far as I can see, starting a service within its own thread is like starting an IntentService. Is that correct?

  • roiberg
    roiberg over 11 years
    Yea, but what does it mean?! ends it self? If the service is not doing anything than its "done". isn't it? I mean, If a code in a service is doing something short and simple, than when the code is done than the service is also done.. or what?
  • roiberg
    roiberg over 11 years
    I didn't find one example that can be done with one and not with the other. just some explanations that didn't help me.
  • Stefan de Bruijn
    Stefan de Bruijn over 11 years
    Try this site, it has a lot of good explanation on basic Android concepts with decent examples
  • roiberg
    roiberg over 11 years
    Its another example of "how to use". not when specifically use service and when intentservice. Please give me a theoretical example and not links to "how to use" or any other likns for that metter. I am not asking you to "work" for me while im doing nothing its just that I already saw all of those liks and still am not sure.
  • Stefan de Bruijn
    Stefan de Bruijn over 11 years
    Updated answer with some short examples too.
  • pelotasplus
    pelotasplus over 11 years
    that's pretty important difference. for example, if you use service to keep persistent connection with server, you cannot use intentservice for that as it's terminated right after it finishes all its tasks
  • roiberg
    roiberg over 11 years
    Yea, now I get it!! Thanks!
  • edthethird
    edthethird over 10 years
    A little late, but I am finding that Service called with startService can only run for about 10 seconds before throwing an ANR-- an IntentService started with broadcasting an intent doesn't seem to have this limitation
  • CommonsWare
    CommonsWare over 10 years
    @edthethird: That is because you were tying up the main application thread. All lifecycle methods on all components, including onStartCommand() of a Service, are called on the main application thread. You cannot tie up this thread for more than a few milliseconds without freezing your UI, and if you take many seconds, you will get the service equivalent of an ANR.
  • edthethird
    edthethird over 10 years
    yup I commented too soon. I was doing the work onStartCommand instead of onHandleIntent-- looks like onStartCommand is run on the UI thread, however a separate thread is spawned for onHandleIntent execution.
  • Lassi Kinnunen
    Lassi Kinnunen over 10 years
    what seems is that most people who want to run a real long running service in the background end up trying to find about IntentService because the docs make it seem like that it is for doing that, But you could mostly be just as well using new Thread(new Runnable()).start(). in other words, when it speaks about "spawns a new thread" that is all it does, it does not move it to a separate process which is actually what most people look to do when they want to separate some running code out from the Activity!(because just spawning threads is a one liner anyways)
  • njzk2
    njzk2 over 10 years
    the intentService also takes care of the life cycle of the thread, and uses a looper, which helps the scheduler. It also makes sure only one instance is running, and queues other calls.
  • Shirish Herwade
    Shirish Herwade about 10 years
    short and sweet, but its better if you edit your answer including points by CommonsWare, as lot of people only read accepted or most upvoted answers
  • José Juan Sánchez
    José Juan Sánchez almost 10 years
    @Shiri Hrw: I have just edit the answer with a new point included by CommonsWare. Thanks for the advice!
  • Naresh Sharma
    Naresh Sharma almost 10 years
    @JoséJuanSánchez easily explained the whole concept of these two components.
  • Lou Morda
    Lou Morda over 9 years
    when i google that, it brings me here. now i am in an infinite loop.
  • Darpan
    Darpan over 9 years
    "The service runs is background but runs on Main thread of app" - Help me understand this.
  • José Juan Sánchez
    José Juan Sánchez over 9 years
    @Darpan A Service is an application component that can perform long-running operations in the background and does not provide a user interface. A service runs in the main thread of its hosting process. The Service does not create its own thread and does not run in a separate process (unless you specify otherwise). This means that, if your service is going to do any CPU intensive work or blocking operations (such as MP3 playback or networking), you should create a new thread within the service to do that work.
  • Ashok Bijoy Debnath
    Ashok Bijoy Debnath over 9 years
    "The IntentService must be triggered from Main Thread." Are you sure? Inside my MainActivity onCreate(), when I call an IntentService from a new Thread (code below), it still works for me. new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Intent intent = new Intent(context, HelloIntentService.class); startService(intent); } }).start();
  • José Juan Sánchez
    José Juan Sánchez over 9 years
    @AshokBijoyDebnath You are right! The Services and IntentServices can be started from any thread, activity or other application component. I have just edit the text of the answer to fix this issue. Thank you for your edit suggestion! :)
  • IgorGanapolsky
    IgorGanapolsky over 9 years
    Is stopSelf() something that the programmer has to call, or does the IntentService call that by itself?
  • CommonsWare
    CommonsWare over 9 years
    @IgorGanapolsky: IntentService calls that itself, after onHandleIntent() returns, if there is no more work to be done.
  • pathe.kiran
    pathe.kiran about 9 years
    which service i should use to update my local application table continuously ? even my application is closed.
  • Arun
    Arun almost 8 years
    superb short explanation
  • José Juan Sánchez
    José Juan Sánchez almost 8 years
    No problem, go for it!
  • David Wasser
    David Wasser over 7 years
    "The Service runs in background but it runs on the Main Thread of the application." This is wrong. A Service is an object. It doesn't run on any Thread. The methods of a Service can run on any Thread, The lifecycle methods (onCreate(), onStartCommand(), onDestroy() are called by the Android framework on the main (UI) Thread. When implementing a Service it is common to start your own Threads as worker or background threads and perform long-running operations on those threads. IntentService is just an extenstion of Service that does some of this for you.
  • Shubham AgaRwal
    Shubham AgaRwal over 7 years
    i hope i could +1 again
  • eRaisedToX
    eRaisedToX over 7 years
    It could be better , if you could give short ,upto the point answer.
  • eRaisedToX
    eRaisedToX over 7 years
    @CommonsWare ,what I don't understand is, in starting you've mentioned "IntentService is a subclass of Service" and then you wrote "could be implemented by a Service without extending IntentService" which confuses me of "which is super and which is sub class" kindly help.
  • CommonsWare
    CommonsWare over 7 years
    @eRaisedToX: The concept of superclasses and subclasses is a general Java concept, not unique to Android. Service is a Java class. IntentService is a subclass of Service. However, you can create other subclasses of Service as well.
  • Kugan Kumar
    Kugan Kumar almost 7 years
    service: but shouldn't be too long, can you define "too long" in this context? is it 1min, 2min or 3min...... ? thank you
  • Laurent
    Laurent almost 7 years
    So regarding this answer a Service is for short tasks and IntentService is for long task.... But if I check in the official doc for Service it says A Service is an application component that can perform long-running operations in the background. For IntentService it says they may take as long as necessary (and will not block the application's main loop), but only one request will be processed at a time. . So both for long tasks ? not clear to me...
  • alizeyn
    alizeyn over 6 years
    "it is your responsibility to stop the service when its work is done, by calling stopSelf() or stopService()" Well it's no quite true science now for apps which targeting API 26 and above. Background service is getting killed by OS when app is idle.
  • Adil
    Adil over 6 years
    great i find this ans last 1 hour
  • Ravindra Kushwaha
    Ravindra Kushwaha almost 6 years
    One question @JoséJuanSánchez ... Does IntentService finish as the application is removed from background or forground?As i know the Services runs even application is present or not on background and forground
  • Ravindra Kushwaha
    Ravindra Kushwaha almost 6 years
    One question @CommonsWare ... Does IntentService finish as the application is removed from background or forground?As i know the Services runs even application is present or not on background and forground
  • CommonsWare
    CommonsWare almost 6 years
    @RavindraKushwaha: I am uncertain exactly what you mean by "removed". If the user presses HOME or BACK, and the UI of the app is no longer in the foreground, the IntentService is unaffected. If Android terminates the process, the IntentService goes away when the process does. And it is possible that you have something else in mind for "removed".
  • Ravindra Kushwaha
    Ravindra Kushwaha almost 6 years
    @CommonsWare Sir... I just want to ask that when Application is not on background and foreground also..Than Our IntentService also terminated or not...Like i know Service runs even the app is running or not until and unless system or we removed it.. Thanks sir for urs reply
  • CommonsWare
    CommonsWare almost 6 years
    @RavindraKushwaha: I am sorry, but I still do not understand what you mean. An IntentService is a Service. All normal Service rules apply. In addition, an IntentService stops itself automatically when the work in onHandleIntent() completes. Note that IntentService does not work especially well on Android 8.0+ -- please consider using JobIntentService or (in 2019 and beyond) WorkManager for this sort of background work.
  • Ravindra Kushwaha
    Ravindra Kushwaha almost 6 years
    Sir IntentService depends on Application is running or not?
  • CommonsWare
    CommonsWare almost 6 years
    @RavindraKushwaha: I do not know what you consider "Application is running or not" to mean, so I cannot answer that, sorry.
  • Ravindra Kushwaha
    Ravindra Kushwaha almost 6 years
    Sorry for bothering you...What a hell my English...You are not getting me..Thanks, sir anyway @CommonsWare
  • Ravindra Kushwaha
    Ravindra Kushwaha almost 6 years
    One last attemp.. Suppose i am downloading the file from server which will download after 1 hour and I am using the IntentService for it...During the downloading file , i have CLOSED the app (Not even running in background)....Than my question is that Does my IntentService also finishes OR not?
  • CommonsWare
    CommonsWare almost 6 years
    The issue is not English, but programming. For example, "i have CLOSED the app" has no precise definition, so I cannot tell you what happens when that occurs. I also do not know how "i have CLOSED the app" relates to "will download after 1 hour". You might consider asking a separate Stack Overflow question, where you can provide a minimal reproducible example of "will download after 1 hour". There, you can explain in detail what "i have CLOSED the app" means (for example, what specifically does the user do to close the app?).
  • Ravindra Kushwaha
    Ravindra Kushwaha almost 6 years
    ok sir @CommonsWare Thanks a lot for urs suggestion.Again thanks sir :)
  • Wini
    Wini almost 4 years
    When you want to perform multiple background tasks one by one which exists beyond the scope of an Activity then the IntentService is perfect. ==> can you give example ?
  • Rohit Singh
    Rohit Singh almost 4 years
    Downloading songs one by one from a Playlist. @Wini
  • truthadjustr
    truthadjustr almost 3 years
    An IntentService can be also invoked by startService. Please edit your answer accordingly and make it coherent.