sessionStorage data not persist in AngularJS app with ngStorage


Are you sure you are using angular's sessionStorage in the right way? Session storage is a property of the $window object in angular, so I don't know if you have made your own service wrapper or something like that? Anyway, here is a codepen that shows another approach that I use myself, using $window.sessionStorage instead:

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Updated on July 31, 2022


  • dingalla
    dingalla over 1 year


    I'm simply trying to store a user object in sessionStorage in an AngularJS app. If I step through this in either the Chrome or FF debugger, the sessionStorage never gets set. Here is my angular service code:

    // Authentication/authorization Module
    stonewall.authModule = angular.module("authModule", [
        // Module dependencies
    // Authentication/authorization service tracks the current user
    stonewall.authModule.service('authService', function ($localStorage, $sessionStorage) {
        // Initialize current user
        var currentUser = {};
        // Declare storage type-this may change if user selects
        // "Keep me signed in"
        var storageType = {};
        // Return the current user object
        this.getCurrentUser = function () {
            return currentUser;
        // Returns whether there is a currently authorized user
        this.userAuth = function() {
            return currentUser.sid != "";
        // Logout function, initializes the user object
        this.logout = function() {
            currentUser = {
                sid: "",
                status: 0,
                pswLastSet: 0,
                id: "",
                sigUID: "",
                sig: ""
        // Login
        this.login = function(user, subj) {
            if (user == null) return;
            currentUser = {
                sid: user.Principal.SId,
                status: user.Principal.ControlStatus,
                pswLastSet: new Date(user.Principal.PasswordLastSet),
                id: user.Identity.Id.DN,
                sigUID: user.Identity.Certificates[0].UID,
                sig: stonewall.hash(user.Principal.SId + subj.pswd),
        // Persist to session storage
        function persistSession() {
            $sessionStorage.currentUser = currentUser;
        // Restore session
        function restoreSession() {
            currentUser = $sessionStorage.currentUser;
            if (currentUser == null) {
                // Initialize to empty user
                currentUser = {
                    sid: "",
                    status: 0,
                    pswLastSet: 0,
                    id: "",
                    sigUID: "",
                    sig: ""

    And, here is a screencap that shows my FF debugging session. You can see that after persistSession is called that $sessionStorage has my user.


    But, if I switch over to the DOM inspector, sessionStorage has no items in it...


    Any help is, as always, appreciated.