Set a locale in javascript


Solution 1

You can't change the locale, as there is no such feature in the EMCAScript specification.

However, there is a nice package called php.js that implements PHP functions in JavaScript.

Two of the functions are setlocale() and date(). You can use them.

Solution 2

You can now use JavaScript's Internationalization API because it's now supported in all browsers. It allows you to pass in a locale, which will customize the date format.

console.log(new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-GB').format(date));


Solution 3

You should use moment.js to parse dates.

//parse string according to format and return new moment
var day = moment("16/12/2017", "DD/MM/YYYY");  

var dayAsDate = day.toDate();  //you can even covert the moment to a Date

Globalize also has a date parsing module if you need to handle date strings in other locales/scripts.

Author by


Updated on September 29, 2020


  • ariel
    ariel over 3 years

    jQuery tests the validity of a date via:

    !/Invalid|NaN/.test(new Date(value))

    new Date(dateString) is the same as Date.parse(dateString) and uses browser/OS locale to parse the string.

    I'm trying to parse DD/MM/YYYY but I get an error because my browser is looking for MM/DD/YYYY. Since my product will be used only by DD/MM people, I want to force this behaviour.

    I could write a custom validator, but is it possible to change the browser locale via JavaScript as well?

  • Pointy
    Pointy about 14 years
    Wow, I would never ever recommend that anybody touch that php.js code with a pole of arbitrary length. Yuk.
  • Sagi
    Sagi about 14 years
    He can always watch the dependencies and use only the necessary functions.
  • ariel
    ariel about 14 years
    im not using the php.js, accepted for the information that its impossible to change locale in javascript
    ELLIOTTCABLE almost 14 years
    Wow. Suggesting, not only that he utilize a huge library for this single purpose… but suggesting, specifically, a library that emulates *PHP*‽ That’s… irresponsible, to say the least. -1’d.
  • Sagi
    Sagi over 12 years
    Well, if you have any other idea, you are welcome to post it. Otherwise, he can use the specified functions from php.js. No need to use the whole library of course.
  • George
    George about 5 years
    "impossible" proceeds to link to javascript library stating it is possible