Set cache to files in Firebase Storage


Solution 1

cacheControl for Storage :

You'll have better serving with Hosting, and deployment with the firebase CLI is extremely simple. I think by default the Cache-Control on images in Hosting is 2 hours, and you can increase it globally with the .json.

Hosting can scale your site and move it to different edge nodes closer to where the demand is. Storage is limited to buckets, but you can specify a bucket for Europe, one for China, on for North America, etc..

Storage is better for user file uploads and Hosting was for static content (although they are rolling out dynamic Hosting with cloud functions I think)

Solution 2

Putting the pieces together for any future references here


// Create file metadata to update
var newMetadata = {
  cacheControl: 'public,max-age=4000',


storageRef.put(file, newMetadata)

Solution 3

storageRef.updateMetadata(yourMetadata) might be the solution you need.


storageRef.put(file, yourMetadata)

Solution 4

To complement the answer, you can also use a service worker, maybe with workbox, with a cacheFirst strategy to cache all images into the user browser. Then, after first cache, the images will be load from local cache first.

If there's no cache, then the images will be requested from Firebase Storage, where the images can also be cached if you specified the cacheControl property in file metadata or if you is using Firebase Hosting with custom header Cache-Control for images.

Solution 5

Also, Is possible to change the cache control of an existent resource accessing Google Cloud Console. (So, don't need to reupload with the cache metadata)

Access the console and go to 'Cloud Storage'. Browse to your bucket and file, where you find 'edit metadata'.

Here, you can put the cache control policy:

Edit metadata for object

Author by


Hello, world! I'm a brazilian project manager who loves programming, web, games, technology and useless gadgets.

Updated on June 08, 2022
