Set default webpage for website on Microsoft Windows Azure


Solution 1

According to this blog post:

             <add value="Default.aspx"/>                      

Should Work. Or you could Type to Url map it. To do that check out

Solution 2

If you are using MVC or Web API, add the following line in RegisterRoutes():


This solved my problem. Hope it helps you.

Solution 3

If you app is a MVC application, it looks for the default controller instead of default pages.

So you must map a route in RouteConfig. In my case,I wanted to load the site with an index.html page, so I did:

RouteConfig.cs file:

 public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)

            name: "Default",
            url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
            defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id =    UrlParameter.Optional }

And in my HomeController, Index Action, write this code:

public ActionResult Index()
        return Redirect("/index.html");

This works fine in Azure with a Shared Site. I hope this will help you.

Solution 4

Do you have a typo?

You have:

<add value="Default.aspx" />

But you said that your "home page" that works is /home.aspx.

If you want for /home.aspx to be displayed when the user goes to http:/, then I can think of several ways for you to accomplish that.

Since you have Default.aspx as your defaultDocument, you can rename home.aspx to Default.aspx and when someone goes to http:/ the contents of Default.aspx will be displayed.

If you need to keep home.aspx named as home.aspx for some reason, then as you requested if you want for http:/ to redirect to /home.aspx then create a file called Default.aspx in the root directory and edit it to contain Response.Redirect("home.aspx", false);. A complete example for this type of page is available at


Try adding enabled="true" to your defaultDocument XML tag. See the example below from

      <defaultDocument enabled="true">
            <add value="home.html" />
Author by


Updated on June 14, 2022


  • user1625190
    user1625190 almost 2 years

    I recently set up a website on

    But when I go to the url http:/ it doesn't load.

    But when I go to http:/ it loads.

    What I want is that if a user goes to http:/ it loads with the home.aspx content or get redirected to http:/

    This doesn't work

           <clear />
           <add value="Default.aspx" />

    Sorry here's the actual link which works fine, but when you go to HTTP error 404, The resource cannot be found is displayed.

    Can anyone help??