Set the maximum character length of a UITextField


Solution 1

While the UITextField class has no max length property, it's relatively simple to get this functionality by setting the text field's delegate and implementing the following delegate method:


- (BOOL)textField:(UITextField *)textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range replacementString:(NSString *)string {
    // Prevent crashing undo bug – see note below.
    if(range.length + range.location > textField.text.length)
        return NO;
    NSUInteger newLength = [textField.text length] + [string length] - range.length;
    return newLength <= 25;


func textField(_ textField: UITextField, shouldChangeCharactersIn range: NSRange, replacementString string: String) -> Bool {
    let currentCharacterCount = textField.text?.count ?? 0
    if range.length + range.location > currentCharacterCount {
        return false
    let newLength = currentCharacterCount + string.count - range.length
    return newLength <= 25

Before the text field changes, the UITextField asks the delegate if the specified text should be changed. The text field has not changed at this point, so we grab it's current length and the string length we're inserting (either through pasting copied text or typing a single character using the keyboard), minus the range length. If this value is too long (more than 25 characters in this example), return NO to prohibit the change.

When typing in a single character at the end of a text field, the range.location will be the current field's length, and range.length will be 0 because we're not replacing/deleting anything. Inserting into the middle of a text field just means a different range.location, and pasting multiple characters just means string has more than one character in it.

Deleting single characters or cutting multiple characters is specified by a range with a non-zero length, and an empty string. Replacement is just a range deletion with a non-empty string.

A note on the crashing "undo" bug

As is mentioned in the comments, there is a bug with UITextField that can lead to a crash.

If you paste in to the field, but the paste is prevented by your validation implementation, the paste operation is still recorded in the application's undo buffer. If you then fire an undo (by shaking the device and confirming an Undo), the UITextField will attempt to replace the string it thinks it pasted in to itself with an empty string. This will crash because it never actually pasted the string in to itself. It will try to replace a part of the string that doesn't exist.

Fortunately you can protect the UITextField from killing itself like this. You just need to ensure that the range it proposes to replace does exist within its current string. This is what the initial sanity check above does.

swift 3.0 with copy and paste working fine.

func textView(_ textView: UITextView, shouldChangeTextIn range: NSRange, replacementText text: String) -> Bool {
        let str = (textView.text + text)
        if str.characters.count <= 10 {
            return true
        textView.text = str.substring(to: str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: 10))
        return false

Hope it's helpful to you.

Solution 2

Swift 4

import UIKit

private var kAssociationKeyMaxLength: Int = 0

extension UITextField {
    @IBInspectable var maxLength: Int {
        get {
            if let length = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &kAssociationKeyMaxLength) as? Int {
                return length
            } else {
                return Int.max
        set {
            objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &kAssociationKeyMaxLength, newValue, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN)
            addTarget(self, action: #selector(checkMaxLength), for: .editingChanged)
    @objc func checkMaxLength(textField: UITextField) {
        guard let prospectiveText = self.text,
            prospectiveText.count > maxLength
            else {
        let selection = selectedTextRange
        let indexEndOfText = prospectiveText.index(prospectiveText.startIndex, offsetBy: maxLength)
        let substring = prospectiveText[..<indexEndOfText]
        text = String(substring)
        selectedTextRange = selection

Edit: memory leak issue fixed.

enter image description here

Solution 3

Thank you august! (Post)

This is the code that I ended up with which works:

#define MAX_LENGTH 20

- (BOOL)textField:(UITextField *)textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range replacementString:(NSString *)string
    if (textField.text.length >= MAX_LENGTH && range.length == 0)
        return NO; // return NO to not change text
    {return YES;}

Solution 4

To complete August answer, an possible implementation of the proposed function (see UITextField's delegate).

I did not test domness code, but mine do not get stuck if the user reached the limit, and it is compatible with a new string that comes replace a smaller or equal one.

-(BOOL)textField:(UITextField *)textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range replacementString:(NSString *)string {
    //limit the size :
    int limit = 20;
    return !([textField.text length]>limit && [string length] > range.length);

Solution 5

You can't do this directly - UITextField has no maxLength attribute, but you can set the UITextField's delegate, then use:

- (BOOL)textField:(UITextField *)textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range replacementString:(NSString *)string
Author by


Specialties iOS Development (8+ years) Ruby on Rails

Updated on July 08, 2022


  • Justin
    Justin almost 2 years

    How can I set the maximum amount of characters in a UITextField on the iPhone SDK when I load up a UIView?

  • avocade
    avocade over 15 years
    I agree, this is the best way forward, but it stays a bit of a hack. Submit a bug report to Apple that you'd like to see a property for text length. I'm definitely interested in this as well.
  • Chandan Shetty SP
    Chandan Shetty SP over 13 years
    Works great... For both adding/deleting.
  • Dan Rosenstark
    Dan Rosenstark over 12 years
    @avocade, it's not a hack: it's an example where you have to do basic framework code that Apple should've done for you. There are MANY many examples of this in the iOS SDK.
  • Ant
    Ant about 12 years
    Unfortunately, this solution fails to stop users copy-and-pasting into a text field, therefore allowing them to bypass the limit. Sickpea's answer copes with this situation correctly.
  • Kyle Clegg
    Kyle Clegg almost 12 years
    How can I set this to just one UITextView on my screen? When I add it to my class it applies to all textviews.
  • Kyle Clegg
    Kyle Clegg almost 12 years
    Found a solution by surrounding those 2 lines with if (textField == _ssn) { } and adding return YES; at the end of the method, which will allow all other UITextFields to accept text without any restriction. Nifty!
  • eselk
    eselk over 11 years
    Very nice answer. I would have liked to see one that accepts as much text as possible, instead of not allowing any (like if they try to add 10 chars, and have 9 left, add the first 9) -- like Windows edit controls work. But since I'm not willing to do the work myself, you get my vote good sir! :) (hopefully Apple adds this soon)
  • Dan Abramov
    Dan Abramov over 11 years
    Such usage of UIAlertViews is discouraged by Apple. You should reserve alerts for important messages, and just disallow input, as in accepted answer.
  • Hemang
    Hemang over 11 years
    Not a proper way! --- The user will get to know about input size after inserting full string!
  • jowie
    jowie about 11 years
    Good answer, but the ternary operator is superfluous; you could just put return newLength <= 25;
  • doxsi
    doxsi about 11 years
    It was useful for me too. But, If I have 2 different textfield with differente size? ho can I do that?
  • coolcool1994
    coolcool1994 over 10 years
    WOW thank you soo muchh!! This example sets the maximum length as 25 characters (25 inclusive) just for your reference
  • Morkrom
    Morkrom over 10 years
    What if you just want the text to not spill over the frame of the textfield; not all characters are the same width, right ?
  • Diogo T
    Diogo T about 10 years
    @Morkrom You're right, take a look on this long post about NSString and Unicode
  • Scott Kohlert
    Scott Kohlert about 10 years
    For anyone having difficulty, make sure that the UITextField's delegate is set to self, and that the <UITextFieldDelegate> is set in the header file.
  • valbu17
    valbu17 almost 10 years
    Great example!! Thanks! @sickp
  • Justin
    Justin almost 10 years
    For the small need of the character limit, I think adding your class would just be overkill.
  • Matt Parkins
    Matt Parkins over 9 years
    What is with people having an if statement to return NO or YES? Try this: return !(textField.text.length >= MAX_LENGTH && range.length == 0);
  • Benjohn
    Benjohn over 9 years
    There really is an undo bug as @bcherry mentions – tested with UITextField on iPad iOS 8.1. (+1 to comment). Would the author add something about this as it's the top rated answer? I'm happy to do an edit, but mine regularly seem to get rejected! :-)
  • Benjohn
    Benjohn over 9 years
    I've added a check for the crash and some notes about it drawn from here.
  • Luke
    Luke over 9 years
    Although I did this to remove errors > myTextField.text=[myTextField.text substringToIndex:limit];
  • Jakub Vano
    Jakub Vano about 9 years
    There is another bug in the system: autocorrection / prediction bypasses -textField:shouldChangeCharactersInRange:replacementString delegate method. I think that for completeness answer should mention this.
  • Gaurav Gilani
    Gaurav Gilani about 9 years
    This will not make you to enter a characters more than or equal to 50.
  • Scott Gardner
    Scott Gardner about 9 years
    Great idea Frouo! I expanded upon it in my answer to move the maxLength trimming to a String extension so that it can also be used for things like UITextView instances, and to add a convenience function to take advantage of these String extensions in a UITextField extension.
  • 6 1
    6 1 almost 9 years
    This method can't prevent user input text from apple's auto suggestion above the keyboard.
  • rcw3
    rcw3 almost 9 years
    @bherry In Swift, the check for the undo case seems to break the entry of emoji. Shouldn't the count(textField.text) actually be count(textField.text.utf16) to match the objc/uikit reporting in range (vs Swift's variant of count on strings)?
  • funroll
    funroll over 8 years
    In Swift 2.0, count(textField.text) needs to be textField.text?.characters.count
  • Danilo Pádua
    Danilo Pádua about 8 years
    How to call this method in objc?
  • User
    User over 7 years
    Doesn't this global variable create memory leaks, by holding references to all the textviews (which reference the superviews up until root-)
  • User
    User over 7 years
    Doesn't the global dictionary create memory leaks, by holding references to all the textviews (which reference the superviews up until root-)
  • Bogdan Onu
    Bogdan Onu over 7 years
    For the Swift code comparing the textField.text?.characters.count with the range will add a bug when using Emoji characters. You should use the textField.text?.utf16.count for it to function as described.
  • jesse
    jesse over 7 years
    Is the bug still exist in latest iOS versions? I can't reproduce it on my iPhone with 10.2 and in simulator with 8.4.
  • jesse
    jesse over 7 years
    Sorry, I rechecked, and yes, it still exists in both my cases. I wasn't able first reproduce it because if you comment out the 'bug-workaround code', it reveals another problem because newLength is unsigned, but the result may be negative. So negative values become very large positive numbers. And comparison returns NO, which hides the bug.
  • Eduardo
    Eduardo over 7 years
    Clean and perfect solution
  • frouo
    frouo about 7 years
    @Ixx I have edited to fix the memory leak issue you pointed out + swift 3. Thanks
  • frouo
    frouo about 7 years
    Warning, this global variable create memory leaks, by holding references to all the textviews.
  • Jonny
    Jonny about 7 years
    UITextField, not UITextView.
  • Jonny
    Jonny about 7 years
    Swift 3: func textField(_ textField: UITextField, shouldChangeCharactersIn range: NSRange, replacementString string: String) -> Bool {
  • Guy Kogus
    Guy Kogus about 7 years
    This fails in swift when deleting the last character if it consists of multiple bytes (i.e. range.length > 1). Unfortunately NSRange and the String classes are not very compatible, so you can fall into issues like this. You need to convert to NSString objects. I will post the solution.
  • Robert Smith
    Robert Smith almost 7 years
    Guy, was the "Swift 3.0" solution above updated to handle the "deleting last character" issue? Also I noticed the "Swift 3.0" solution is for textView instead of textField?
  • Fattie
    Fattie over 6 years
    this is ALMOST TEN YEARS OUT OF DATE. heh! it is now trivial:
  • igrek
    igrek over 6 years
    Can you advise how to properly limit max text input length? i.e. if i limit input to 3 chars and try to input "ででで" which is achieved when i press keyboard buttons "dedede"(each "de" transforms into "で") then i am not able to input the last character, because my validation function considers that to be 4 characters. Here is my validation function: -(BOOL)textField:(UITextField*)tf shouldChangeCharactersInRange:(NSRange)r replacementString:(NSString*)s {return [tf.text stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:r withString:s].length <= 3;} This can be reproduced on Japanese - Romaji keyboard
  • igrek
    igrek over 6 years
    the solution is cutting string length in text field did end editing, hence the author's solution does not handle this case for japanese-romaji keyboard
  • igrek
    igrek over 6 years
    or this return textField.text.length < MAX_LENGTH || range.length != 0;
  • Victor Choy
    Victor Choy over 6 years
    the most beautiful way to achive it ! Thanks
  • MRizwan33
    MRizwan33 about 6 years
    can anyone provide me its objective version
  • oddRaven
    oddRaven about 6 years
    Why the guard?
  • Shan Ye
    Shan Ye about 6 years
    check if the text is nil, if you want, you can also use if @oddRaven
  • Nareshkumar Nil
    Nareshkumar Nil over 5 years
    i need same max length added in attribute inspector objective c
  • Carlos Norena
    Carlos Norena over 5 years
    best answer by far ,,, thanks a lot great solution when there is many textfields that need different lengths
  • Sandip Patel - SM
    Sandip Patel - SM over 5 years
    Really great solution for textfield and textview control character input limit. Its save code lines and time too for developer ...:)
  • Gunhan
    Gunhan about 5 years
    Holding a UITextField in a global field will retain them in the memory even after the UIViewController is dismissed. This is a memory leak. Don't use this method.
  • Lucas
    Lucas over 4 years
    This doesn't compile
  • Pocheshire
    Pocheshire over 4 years
    @Lucas oh, really? This code is right from the real project. You should try again.
  • Sachin Rana
    Sachin Rana over 4 years
    Suppose I have 2 textfields. Both require different max char limit, one require 10 char and other require 20 char. In that case what approach should I need to follow. Is there any way to make constant (25 in your code) to dynamic?
  • Mohamed Hashem
    Mohamed Hashem over 4 years
    in order to always be able to remove text in case the text field already had text longer the length allowed I replaced ``` swift return newLength <= 25 ``` with ``` swift return newLength <= 25 || newLength < currentCharacterCount ``` that would fix a problem where a user wont be able to remove programatecally assigned text that exceeds the maxLenght
  • Phontaine Judd
    Phontaine Judd over 4 years
    This works better than the other solutions I found. For instance, if you have emojis in your textfield, other extensions I found would skip to the end of the line when editing. But your code doesn't do that. Thanks!
  • Jean Raymond Daher
    Jean Raymond Daher about 3 years
    in my case when i use this code and the textField is at its max value, the primaryActionTriggered stops sending events.. so i always return true and do this hack if newLength > maxLength { DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.1) { [weak self] in guard let self = self else { return } self.text = self.text?.prefix(maxLength).description } }
  • Ryan Maloney
    Ryan Maloney about 3 years
    As others have mentioned, the Swift code prevents any new characters from being entered after an emoji character is added. Updating both string.count instances to string.utf16.count fixes this bug.
  • Lumii
    Lumii over 2 years
    Please note that, although this answer gains highest votes, it is highly inaccurate for the reason, it doesn't take input range into consideration during shouldChangeTextIn