Shell script to delete multiple files


Solution 1

This is due to the line-endings that Windows uses (\r\n).

You can remove thes via vi:

$ vi myfile.txt
:set fileformat=unix

Solution 2

If you have a list of hundreds of filenames and you want to delete them, there is no reason to write separate rm commands for each of them. Assuming your file names saved in a file called list.txt, one per line, and that they do not contain newline characters, you could just do

while read -r file; do rm "$file"; done < list.txt 


  • The while read variable; do something; done < file construct will read each line from a file and save it as variable (in the example above, the variable's name is file). The -r is needed to allow for file names containing things like \r or \t. With the -r they will be treated literally while without it they will be expanded to a carriage return or a tab respectively.
  • rm "$file" : this will remove each file in the list as it is read.

Or, you can use bash's mapfile builtin which lets you save the lines of a file in an array:

mapfile -t filelist < list.txt && rm "${filelist[@]}"

Solution 3

Thanks for the responses, the technical reason for this is probably in the file encoding somewhere but to fix I simply created my file on the CentOS box

$> touch myfile.txt
$> nano myfile.txt

Added the "!" in to my bash script (thanks @jimmij)


And saved, I then used notepad++ on windows to add the files I wanted to remove as per my initial syntax and bingo.

Thanks for the suggestions @Marko Frelih, @jimmij

Solution 4

xargs will do, 'something', with a list of somethings...

cat file_containing_list_of_files_to_delete.txt | xargs rm

make a file

touch file1

look in this file called foo

cat foo


delete the files mentioned in file foo.

cat foo | xargs rm

rm: cannot remove `file2': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove `file3': No such file or directory

file1 gone now.

ls file1
ls: cannot access file1: No such file or directory

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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • pickles
    pickles almost 2 years

    So, I have a file which contains a list of hundreds of files that need to be deleted from various directories. I figured the easiest method would be to create a batch file but I'm not having great success.

    rm "/home/e-smith/files/users/bill/Maildir/cur/1392373930.28512.comp01:2,S"
    rm "/home/e-smith/files/users/ted/Maildir/cur/1420726198.17690.comp01:2,S"

    But when I run the script with


    I get

    rm: cannot remove '/home/e-smith/files/users/bill/Maildir/cur/1392373930.28512.comp01:2,S\r': no such file or directory
    rm: cannot remove '/home/e-smith/files/users/ted/Maildir/cur/1420726198.17690.comp01:2,S\r': no such file or directory

    I don't understand where the \r is coming from, I'm guessing it's a carriage return but it appends itself to the command.

    What is the correct method/syntax for an exercise like this?

    • KernelPanic
      KernelPanic over 9 years
      Did you edit script in windows?
    • pickles
      pickles over 9 years
      I created the script in windows, i've since opened in nano and resaved the document but it made no difference.
    • KernelPanic
      KernelPanic over 9 years
      @user9129, try to open it with vi and get rid of unwanted hidden chars
    • pickles
      pickles over 9 years
      No unexpected characters in vi, saved and re-run but no success.
    • KernelPanic
      KernelPanic over 9 years
      @user9129, did you issue command :set list inside vi to show all characters?
    • pickles
      pickles over 9 years
      I didn't but with the setting enabled the only characters besides my rm lines are the carriage return lines for each file that needs to be removed. Strange, historically i've run this script before without a problem...
    • jimmij
      jimmij over 9 years
      Apart of carriage return you also have wrong shebang, namely missing !, it should be #!/bin/bash.
    • KernelPanic
      KernelPanic over 9 years
      @user9129, try that command and you will se some characters in the script, remove them. I had same problem 10 mins ago.
    • pickles
      pickles over 9 years
      I think that might be OS specific, Ubuntu for instance requires the ! but CentOS raises a "bad intepreter" error when it is included in the bash script.
    • jimmij
      jimmij over 9 years
      Perhaps your bash is not in /bin/bash but in other place, try type bash.
    • pickles
      pickles over 9 years
      result = bash is /bin/bash
    • jimmij
      jimmij over 9 years
      So most probably you have also carriage return in the first line. Shebang is no OS specific, it must be in the form #!..., and when ! is missing your script runs in the current shell (whatever it is) and the lines which start from # are simply interpreted as a comments, so ignored.
    • jimmij
      jimmij over 9 years
      You may run command dos2unix if it is present on the system.
  • terdon
    terdon over 9 years
    For future reference, there is no need to run touch. nano myfile.txt will create the file if it doesn't exist. Also, next time, you can run sed -i 's/\r//g' myfile.txt to remove the carriage returns.
  • pickles
    pickles over 9 years
    very nice, I've saved this for the next time I carry out this task.