SHIBBOLETH SP - Shibboleth handler invoked at an unconfigured location - Shibboleth.sso/Session/


Found the answer:

The problem was actually with the way Apache is configured. It was rewriting urls to add a / at the end of each url. so https://mysite/Shibboleth.sso/Session became https://mysite/Shibboleth.sso/Session/. It is always the minor things!

Since the Apache configuration is necessary for another portion of the project, I changed the Location attribute to add a slash at the end and it worked perfectly! HT- Scott Cantor on [email protected] mailing list!


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Kevin Finkenbinder
Author by

Kevin Finkenbinder

In terms of paying the bills, I am a website developer at Michigan State University's Libraries. Areas of my life that are important (not in order of importance): Drupal Developer Baptist Pastor and Christ Follower Faithful husband to my wife Proud father of 3 kids

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Kevin Finkenbinder
    Kevin Finkenbinder almost 2 years

    I am trying to get shibboleth configured. When I go to https://mysite/secure/index.php, it works properly, I can authenticate, etc. but when I go to https://mysite/Shibboleth.sso/Status (or any other https://mysite/Shibboleth.sso/*) I get the following message:


    The system encountered an error at Mon Jul 10 12:06:32 2017

    To report this problem, please contact the site administrator at root@localhost.

    Please include the following message in any email:

    shibsp::ConfigurationException at (https://mysite/Shibboleth.sso/Session/)

    Shibboleth handler invoked at an unconfigured location.

    My shibboleth2.xml is as follows (comments removed for brevity):

    <SPConfig xmlns="urn:mace:shibboleth:2.0:native:sp:config" xmlns:md="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata" clockSkew="1800">
     <ApplicationDefaults entityID="https://mysite/shibboleth" REMOTE_USER="eppn">
         <Sessions lifetime="28800" timeout="3600" checkAddress="false" relayState="ss:mem" handlerSSL="true" cookieProps="https">
             <SSO entityID="">
                 SAML2 SAML1
             <Logout>SAML2 Local</Logout>
             <Handler type="MetadataGenerator" Location="/Metadata" signing="false"/>
             <Handler type="Status" Location="/Status" acl=" ::1"/>
             <Handler type="Session" Location="/Session" showAttributeValues="true"/>
             <Handler type="DiscoveryFeed" Location="/DiscoFeed"/>
         <Errors supportContact="root@localhost" logoLocation="/shibboleth-sp/logo.jpg" styleSheet="/shibboleth-sp/main.css"/>
         <MetadataProvider type="XML" uri="" backingFilePath="testshib-two-idp-metadata.xml" reloadInterval="180000" />
         <AttributeExtractor type="XML" validate="true" path="attribute-map.xml"/>
         <AttributeResolver type="Query" subjectMatch="true"/>
         <AttributeFilter type="XML" validate="true" path="attribute-policy.xml"/>
         <CredentialResolver type="File" key="my_key" certificate="my_cert" extractNames="false"/>
     <SecurityPolicyProvider type="XML" validate="true" path="security-policy.xml"/>
     <ProtocolProvider type="XML" validate="true" reloadChanges="false" path="protocols.xml"/>

    I have examined every config file I can find, every setting I can think of. I turned on debug mode for native.logger and shibd.logger but not found anything.

    What is wrong? or where should I look?