Shopify Liquid: If Statement


Multiple conditions in if statements don't work so well in liquid. See a similar question here.

One option is to use nested if statements:

{% if template == "index" or template == "page" %}
  {% if settings.slideshow_enabled %}
    <div class="container main content">...</div>
  {% endif %}
{% endif %}

Or something like this:

{% if template == "index" or template == "page" %}
  {% assign correct_template = true %}
{% endif %}
{% if correct_template and settings.slideshow_enabled %}
  <div class="container main content">...</div>
{% endif %}
Author by


Updated on June 30, 2020


  • Sylar
    Sylar almost 4 years

    I am trying to enable a div class based on when a user views certain web page eg: blog, index or ../page/webpage

    The code is like this:

    {% unless template contains "index" and settings.slideshow_enabled %}
       <div class="container main content">
    {% endunless %}

    That "container main content" shows an image behind the nav bar. On other pages, the image starts from below the nav bar. A clear example here:

    I want to have that same homepage, link the link above, on selected pages or template:

    {% if template == "index" and template == "page" and settings.slideshow_enabled %}
       <div class="container main content">
    {% endif %}

    So far nothing I have tried worked. Any tips?


    I can't answer my own question as yet but this worked with a tweak to the javascript:

    {% unless template contains "page" or template contains "index" and settings.slideshow_enabled %} 
     <div class="container main content"> 
    {% endunless %}
  • Sylar
    Sylar almost 10 years
    hi. This partially works for me: {% unless template contains "page" or template contains "index" and settings.slideshow_enabled %} <div class="container main content"> {% endunless %}
  • Sylar
    Sylar almost 10 years
    But this controls the static header: var $header = $(".index .header"); {% if settings.use_logo_home %} if ($(window).width() >= 768) { $('.logo img', $header).attr('src', $('.logo img').data('src-home')); } {% endif %} I need to add ".page" to it but I dont know javascript.
  • Steph Sharp
    Steph Sharp almost 10 years
    @Sylar Just to check I understand your question, you want to show <div class="container main content"> on "index" and "page" templates if settings.slideshow_enabled? Or do you want to show that div for templates other than "index" and "page"? (In which case you could use unless)
  • Xiaodong Qi
    Xiaodong Qi over 7 years
    If I have more than 3 statement in the if condition, should I always use at most 2 statements at once and nest them up?