Short Python alphanumeric hash with minimal collisions


Solution 1

Why don't you just truncate SHA1 or MD5? You'll have more collisions then if you didn't truncate, but it's still better than designing your own. Note that you can base64-encode the truncated hash, rather than using hexadecimal. E.g.

import base64
import hashlib
hasher = hashlib.sha1("The quick brown fox")

You can truncate as little (including not at all) or as much as you want, as long as you understand the tradeoffs.

EDIT: Since you mentioned URL-safe, you can use urlsafe_b64encode and urlsafe_b64decode, which uses - and _ rather than + and /.

Solution 2

The smallest builtin hash I am aware of is md5

>>> import hashlib, base64
>>> d=hashlib.md5(b"hello worlds").digest(); d=base64.b64encode(d); 
>>> print(d)


Low collision and short are somewhat mutually exclusive due to the birthday paradox

To make it urlsafe you need to use the function from the base64 module

>>> import base64
>>> base64.urlsafe_b64encode(hashlib.md5("hello world").digest())

However there should be no problem storing the 16 byte md5 digest in the database in binary form.

>>> md5bytes=hashlib.md5("hello world").digest()
>>> len(md5bytes)
>>> urllib.quote_plus(md5bytes)

Python 2

>>> base64.urlsafe_b64encode(md5bytes)

Python 3

>>> base64.urlsafe_b64encode(md5bytes).decode('ascii')

You can choose either the quote_plus or the urlsafe_b64encode for your url, then decode with the corresponding function unquote_plus or urlsafe_b64decode before you look them up in the database.

Solution 3

Below is a solution that uses alphanumeric characters plus a few punctuation characters. It returns very short strings (around 8 characters).

import binascii, struct

def myhash(s):
    return binascii.b2a_base64(struct.pack('i', hash(s)))

Solution 4

Hashids is a library (with Python support) that creates hashes that you can encode/decode very easily.

Author by


Updated on January 23, 2020


  • ensnare
    ensnare over 4 years

    I'd like to set non-integer primary keys for a table using some kind of hash function. md5() seems to be kind of long (32-characters).

    What are some alternative hash functions that perhaps use every letter in the alphabet as well as integers that are perhaps shorter in string length and have low collision rates?


  • ensnare
    ensnare over 14 years
    Thanks. Is there any low collision alphanumeric hash function, less than say 16 characters, that does not involve truncating? Thank you.
  • ensnare
    ensnare over 14 years
    Thanks. How can I make this urlsafe?
  • Matthew Flaschen
    Matthew Flaschen over 14 years
    Why don't you want to truncate?
  • John La Rooy
    John La Rooy over 14 years
    hash(s) gives a different result for 32/64 bit platforms
  • Daniel Stutzbach
    Daniel Stutzbach over 14 years
    @gnibbler The question doesn't list consistency across platforms as a requirement.
  • speedplane
    speedplane almost 7 years
    You may also want to remove all = characters added to the end. They don't substantially reduce collision rate, but they add two characters. So maybe something like: base64.urlsafe_b64encode(hasher.digest()[0:10]).replace('=', '')
  • bcattle
    bcattle about 6 years
    @speedplane Minor thing but .rstrip('=') makes the intent a little clearer
  • wordsforthewise
    wordsforthewise almost 6 years
    hash() also gives different results each time you run a python instance
  • rana88
    rana88 about 5 years
    Use hashlib.hexdigest() to get a url safe string without conversion
  • user2471801
    user2471801 about 4 years
    I don't think you need to use b64encode the .hexdigest() method of the hash object returns a string containing only hexadecimal digits.
  • Abramodj
    Abramodj about 4 years
    Use .encode('utf-8') if you get complains about encoding the initial string